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re: misinformation 

@akjcv @aescling (technically Saxon Home Edition is open source but it’s not developed according to FOSS principles and is primarily in Java so i refuse to use it)

re: misinformation 

@aescling @akjcv it's super easy if you grok functional programming; there are like a dozen elements to learn and you're set

re: misinformation 

@akjcv @aescling if only there were an open source implementation of version 2 or 3

re: misinformation 

@aescling @akjcv i’ve never vibed with lisp but i do vibe with xslt so i’m not sure where that leaves me

slightly spicy 

@akjcv simpler federation protocols ready to go whenever, but actually no developer wants to work thankless hours for months building a software which is worse than the ones we already have while fending off criticism from hundreds of randos who didn't even bother to read the protocol specification, so

i think it’s cool how you can tell how much of a mac head someone is not by whether they know applescript or how many open source applications they have installed on their machine but by whether they are angriest about iTunes, iPhoto, or Disk Utility

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fans have been asking: “is Disk Utility (2024) really that bad?”. i have the answer and the answer is yes

maybe don’t put that you venmo influencers for promoting your product on your webpage if you want me to think that your business is legitimate

the power grid is fucked up if you want to charge your phone you should have to walk down to the nearest 7-Eleven

proof that microsoft doesn’t know what the fuck they’re doing or who the fuck they’re marketing to

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fucked up that they’re making windows 11 and i haven’t seen a single 1+1=⊞ joke

@coriander “play the right song and you can make the sun shine or cause a storm”

apparently these are the sorts of conversations games journalists are up to these days

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“tears of the kingdom” doesn’t convey anything like “sequel to breath of the wild” does; i understand that the naming convention lines up, but “sequel to breath of the wild” was a striking title that i will dearly miss

@aschmitz i do insular t’s, except in cursive, where i do stars

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.