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you can really tell how strongly they want to be the BBC from how often they just channel the Worst English Energy over there

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remembering on NPR when the interviewer was just casually like “why do you go to all the work of inventing languages for fantasy novels? you could just appropriate some critically endangered ones” and the linguist they were talking to had to delicately be like “…no”

hawthorn soda is not as good a month after the expiration date

#AO3TagOfTheDay update: 

would be rated teen except in the first scene they're both naked

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@wallhackio isn't jesus god 3 you forgot about the holy ghost

re: baldur's gate 3 

@aescling @wallhackio @Satsuma if you had a boyfriend they could knock you

re: baldur's gate 3 

@wallhackio @Satsuma @aescling surely parts of him are hairy

baldur's gate 3 

@Satsuma @wallhackio i played a monk / bard so i basically never used twink but the others i kinda switched between depending on plot

@aescling @Satsuma The little one just appeared one day. They all live together like a family, but the relationship between the three is still unclear.

@aescling @wallhackio fda actually does not seem too concerned about eggs but definitely don't drink raw milk

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.