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apparently the documentary about the Amazon Labour Union is available for streaming this (Black Friday) weekend ONLY

@aescling our experience is that makes it harder to find chocolate not made with slave labour, not easier

we already mostly weren’t buying Hersheys because you know their chocolate is sourced from slave labour however idk where else you can get chocolate in the rough shape of a Kiss

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« The H.B. Reese Candy Company is maintained as a subsidiary of Hershey because the Reese plant workforce is not unionized, unlike the main Hershey plant. » damn guess we’re not buying Trees

@noelle so this means i SHOULD be upset about the franksgiving compromise, i guess

@noelle i guess it makes sense that while the fifth sunday before new years might sometimes be in november, it will never precede a thursday which is also in november, but i hadn’t actually done the math to figure that out, or if it swang the other way

@noelle interesting! (i did not mean to delete OP but misclicked and hey you answered the question anyway)

@alis where i live in the States, Reese’s is the usual short form of “Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup”, not “Reese’s Pieces” (which is a less common candy, always said in full)

but i realize that this may not be universal, and the question is ambiguous enough to allow any interpretation! (the spirit of your response holds regardless; it’s just, i imagine, much less common to refer to a single Reese’s Piece than a single peanut butter cup.)

do you pronounce the singular and plural of Reese’s the same?

what is the plural of LEGO? we asked a fan and they asked if we were cops

not having good chinese food nearby to order is so depressing

“Sappho has a very wet oceanic climate” i bet she does

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why have all the trans women in Washington State not taken over Sappho

@aescling @coriander @Satsuma anyway an important piece of the plot of the book takes place in a store called “Pinn’s Accoutrements” so i got to hear Simon Jones say the word “accoutrements” many times

@coriander i mean only like romance authors and new york times opinion writers and food journalists / cookbook authors but

@aescling @coriander @Satsuma look i listened to the Amulet of Samarkand audiobook a lot as a kid

@coriander if people can sprinkle their vocabulary with random french words to look smart i think you can have a few german ones, as a treat

@coriander anyway i think everyone has a phase where they are like “maybe international markets are kind of bad and we should discourage those”, for one reason or another

and they’re not even necessarily wrong! but Not Like This

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