The big problem with doing TTYD auf Deutsch is that now my brain is slipping back into wanting to speak Danglish all the time but nobody I talk to would understand if I just started slipping "sondern" into my sentences

Also sometimes I almost say sentences with German word order

"Sondern" is such a good word, tho, is the thing

You use it to say "but rather" in the sense of like

Lenin is not dead, but rather lives forever in the hearts of us all

Lenin ist nicht tot, sondern lebt er in unserer Herzen.

Iunno, I just really like to use it, it's a good word

@coriander if people can sprinkle their vocabulary with random french words to look smart i think you can have a few german ones, as a treat

@coriander @Lady recently @Satsuma used the word “accoutrements” casually in conversation and i was caught completely off guard by their purronunciation because i had only ever heard it purronounced like in French up to that point

@aescling @coriander @Satsuma look i listened to the Amulet of Samarkand audiobook a lot as a kid

@aescling @coriander @Satsuma anyway an important piece of the plot of the book takes place in a store called “Pinn’s Accoutrements” so i got to hear Simon Jones say the word “accoutrements” many times

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