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@coriander every thirty minutes we would be like “but not like communism! because that didn’t work!” and then go on to describe something else which was just like communism

@coriander i’m not saying we had GOOD ideas but we at least identified the PROBLEM

@coriander see it was me and this mormon kid, and we were like “well obviously people starving is bad, so we need to find a way to get people food when they don’t have money, so maybe the food should just be free” and it kind of escalated from there

@coriander oh when i was in 10th grade i thought the solution was the elimination of the dollar in favour of a state-planned economy where labour was directly traded for goods and services

but called something different than communism, because that’s bad

@mxashlynn the only person who can REALLY help you understand copyright licensing is a suitably experienced lawyer. but for your entertainment, here is my layman’s understanding:

• promoting commercial things on a page which hosts CC NC content, where the CC NC content is unrelated to the commercial things, is ok. for example, i think wikipedia can (and does) throw a fundraising banner on a page which includes a CC NC image. the primary purpose of wikipedia pages is demonstrably not to fundraise, so them linking to a fundraiser from time to time is not a problem.

• using CC NC content specifically IN an advertisement for a commercial thing is probably commercial, even if the advertisement itself is freely available. i wouldn’t do this.

the question for you is probably whether you think your webpage falls in the first or second category. are you being primarily informational, and some of that information happens to involve commercial affairs, or are you trying to obtain a commercial advantage by having a website? who can really say, other than the courts? unfortunately many questions of copyright can’t be determined until someone sues to find out.

as a footnote, putting advertisements (not your own, but other people’s, like DoubleClick) on a page definitely makes it commercial. this isn’t too relevant in 2024 because nobody does that anymore, but it was relevant in the early days of CC, when running ads on your blog meant you couldn’t use any CC NC content. youtube has the same problem. this is why it is encouraged to really think twice before licensing something as NC.

@wallhackio @aescling i mean judith butler is correct so everything after the first two sentences was valid

@wallhackio @aescling yes i am making fun of people who try to rebut judith butler by just saying what they do not realize to be the actual theory of judith butler

ive come up with a new theory of gender. this is why judith butler is wrong. gender is NOT a performance, because to call it a performance is to presume that there is a Self, something which PRECEDES gender and then PERFORMS gender. in fact, there is no such Self: we are, each of us, constituted THROUGH and BY gendered relations—relations which precede US; relations which set the stage and context into which we emerge AS selves, as individuals. so in fact it is not that gender is a performance, but that WE, our lives and experiences as individuated beings, are ourselves being performed in no small part BY and THROUGH a system of gender without which we could not begin to conceive of ourselves, much less the world.

@dragon literally just exactly performativity, but prefaced with the words “this is why judith butler is wrong”

i avoid giving money to strikebreaking corporations 365 days out of the year, not just when it is seasonally appropriate

@aschmitz difficulty is getting the thing to shell out to Pygments with, and then putting the result back in its place

i guess one downside to doing everything with posixy commandline tools and open standards is you give up features like automatic syntax highlighting of code snippets in your blog posts (without you and your computer both doing a bunch of extra work)

@aschmitz @djsundog honestly i think most people who work in libraries are working in spite of the institution but maybe that’s just academic libraries

archives are probably the institution with the most value

@packetcat if you haven’t listened to KIWANUKA (2019), you should give it a listen as well

@packetcat DAMN is a real mixed bag for me because like half the tracks resonated and i was thinking about all year and the other half were just like “kendrick pls”

terrible logo and something a good designer would have prevented

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