levels of support for queerness in the united states in 2017, after 1–2 years of Trump
« §2 A Shift From Allies to Detached Supporters
There has been a significant decline in overall comfort and acceptance of LGBTQ people, as reflected in a meaningful shift from “Allies” to “Detached Supporters.”
To better understand how support for the LGBTQ community differs across society, GLAAD has split non-LGBTQ Americans into three segments based on respondents’ comfort levels across the seven specific LGBTQ-related interaction scenarios. GLAAD's segmentation is defined by the following categories:
Allies: Non-LGBTQ respondents who were either “very” or “somewhat” comfortable in all situations.
Detached Supporters: Non-LGBTQ respondents whose comfort level varied across situations.
Resisters: Non-LGBTQ respondents who were either “very” or “somewhat” uncomfortable in all situations.
Segmentation definition has been consistent each year, but this year the
proportion of non-LGBTQ Americans who are either “very” or “somewhat” comfortable in all situations has abruptly declined, sliding backwards four percentage points. »
to be clear i have no problem with pokémon self-insert fic but you shouldn’t pretend your self-insert is the canon character; have more creativity than that
but i DO want to read about the 11 year old girl who caught rayquaza and flew into space and because best friends with a dragon girl, in a non-self-inserty way
sword and shield was the closest pokémon fandom got to this but that’s mostly because people loved being horny about gloria
@gaditb i largely agree, altho in this case there is a specific answer, which is that eugen believed that having people talking ABOUT posts/people instead of responding TO posts/people was part of why twitter was so toxic
(mastodon replyguyism is baked in)
but i think in terms of curation, chronological timelines are often Not Actually The Best Format, so there’s a whole host of gaps in the platform design there
channel your limited energy into things which will sustain your social relationships, not into being a billboard that nobody can ever talk to
@coriander in fairness there are two kinds of chumbawamba songs but “tubthumping” isn’t either of them
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I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.