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if i make a pokémon fangame as professional development then does that mean that instead of suing me pokémon has to sue my employer

@coriander it used to be you could do transcription but that’s been eaten by AI

@djsundog (importantly, 8tracks was technically not a streaming service, but an internet radio service running highly personal tiny programs curated by human DJs)

@djsundog i would love to receive a mix CD, but even in the digital realm, the only playlist service which came close to replacing it was 8tracks

a significant amount of my music library is not on streaming services. if you won't let me upload my own music, you are useless to me.

(8tracks was great tho)

@bea people just do that one anyways haha

but yeah very atypical weather for the midatlantic; hopefully it will end soon

@coriander which is to say, no

some interesting stuff happened there tho

this is not to suggest Paris ever figured their shit out

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reading the Parisian Prowler like sure the world is bad right now but you know when else the world was bad? Paris, 1850

i wish there were more pokémon games with replay value

@akjcv i would call this “reification” but i’m not sure there’s an accepted term in litcrit circles

you do not have the revolutionary mindset

you will not be defeating capitalism today

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people talking about resistance and taking care of one another who won’t even put on a mask to go to the grocery store 


internet weather report 

groundhog saw his shadow; guess it’s going to be four more years of people posting thru it

a humorous fact for you in these trying times 

@coriander every time i encounter a german pokémon i’m like “somebody nicknamed it THAT?!” and then no that’s just its legit german name

a humorous fact for you in these trying times 

the German name for Squirtle is “Schiggy”

linguistics question 

@alyssa the alternative form of “the two of us” is “we/us two”, not “our two”, agreed

but i think “we two” and “religious freedom” are in fact very similar; “we” (or “of us”) is specifying WHICH two just as “religious” (or “of religion”) is specifying WHICH freedom

“the two of us” for me is not meaningfully different from “the two who came first”; the equivalency between two and us just comes from implication because otherwise there is not enough information to identify among us which definite two are intended

but compare “of the many pokémon, i like the two of them” (nonsensical) and “of the many pokémon, i like the two of them who are Normal / Ghost type” (sensical, even though “two” and “them” (pokémon) are not equivalent)

and by the same metric, “the two of us who arrived last”

linguistics question 

@alyssa (“united states of america’s” would be the proper genitive, probably)

linguistics question 

@alyssa “genitive” is a complicated term in english, but i think “united states of america” is grammatically more similar to “freedom of speech” than “america’s united states”

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.