@aescling listen to my music and that'll change
@zwol @akjcv i don’t think people need to read Pro Git cover to cover, but i also don’t think people should write SQL queries without ever learning what a relational database is, which is the current situation with Git
and like, sorry, but it doesn’t matter how good your SQL query documentation is if your audience doesn’t know anything about relational databases; they need to go learn that first
but we get lots of people complaining that Git documentation isn’t good enough because it assumes basic working knowledge of what Git is and what it is doing in its explanations
can @aescling make it thru a single one of my playlists or will she lose interest as soon as it stops going womp womp womp
@akjcv ideally people would understand git before they used git but unfortunately modern software development,
if video games can put nobles aristocrats and slavers in their role playing game i have license to murder them and loot their corpses
re: expanding slightly on my annoyance
@akjcv do you know of any actual controversy regarding Han unification coming from a Chinese context? my understanding is that it is primarily Japanese users who get upset about it, and Chinese users are lightly in favour, especially(?) since simplified and traditional forms of characters are always given different codepoints. but i haven't seen much evidence either way, and would be interested in reading more words from a Chinese perspective
@coriander i work for the university of california so i was following it very closely when it all went down
@coriander i would hope they signed considering what UAW 4811 has gone thru
the JD doesn't mention it so i would inquire before applying, but it is tagged for remote work: https://jobs.code4lib.org/jobs/61853
anyway i’m reading early marx and without weighing in on the controversy as to whether late marx disavows early marx or is a refinement of it, i think the reason why early marx, the part where he is journeying from a Western Christian upbringing thru Hegelian philosophy to Marxist enlightenment, tends to be popular in Western and predominantly white liberal settings is pretty obvious, and maybe charts a way forward for the rest of us
“boo hoo i have no moral or cultural authority who isn’t completely bankrupt and responsible for the oppression of millions so i will just flail around in the void” read marx
uspol, an actual take is in here
@coriander but anyway more broadly, if the race is decided before the election even happens, the least you can do is give the elected official a more interesting mandate than “do whatever you want”, and this applies broadly
i know the idea of elected officials receiving mandates thru elections is outdated here in estados unidos, but maybe we should resurrect it
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.