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it is mildly distressing however that fans see people approaching their art with a mentality that all criticism and interrogation is suspect, that analysing the human costs and effects of a work is misguided and wrong, and that every form of speech, no matter how vile, is equally valuable and worthy of preservation—that fans see these takes brought out again and again and yet expect something other than the same old fascism from the people who make them

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you say you listen to queer elders? ok name five of their songs

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it’s really obvious from like a few seconds which moderators actually care about the safety of the people here, and which moderators care about cultivating a certain kind of liberal space or discussion platform with no considerations made for the fundamental vulnerabilities of being human, or not Enough for them to sacrifice their perfect vision of Liberalism in favour of actual measures to protect users

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if your posts are indistinguishable from that of a CIA plant trying to sow controversy and foil collective action, maybe consider making different posts

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the kind of idle linkfollowing which people now see as relegated to sites like Wikipedia or TVTropes was once how the entire internet operated

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just got asked to make a vow of undying love and affection but jokes on you i’m a DOG

the power of napping on your girlfriend’s tits…

i would like to hire someone to develop a font for me but i am certain i do not have the money to hire someone to actually develop a font for me

just read “forces” as “forecs” and spent a long time trying to figure out what that means

nintendo is allowed to age up their characters for horny reasons but they pulled it off a lot better with purah is all i’m saying

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nintendo: we want riju to be hot but she was a child in the last game, how do we fix this
nintendo: let’s just say gerudo grow really fast

i’m giving this fanfic an intentionally complicated history so it will be impossible to tell which parts actually happened, which are interventions on the part of hylia, which are interventions on the part of a certain zelda, which were added to drum up sales…

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me: gaepora is large and looks like an owl. consequently, people liked to call him “big bird”

you, four chapters later when the realization hits:

in all fairness this is a fanfic about zelda which doesn’t even introduce her until like the fourth chapter so realistically it’s gonna bomb no matter what i do

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i keep being like “okay, this is enough, let’s keep it simple” and then i reread it and NO it is NOT enough i need to take it slower and dig into more detail

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working on this fanfic is difficult because i fundamentally do not trust your average reader in 2024 to be patient enough for the very cool important things i am trying to do in the first handful of paragraphs

it¦s very annoying to me that Rhoam Bosphoramus is clearly Hellenic at a time when I feel like Hyrule ought to have switched to vernacular Latin but i am just choosing to believe that he is very oldfashioned

hmm i would like to write a zelda fanfic

middle earth was neither a utopia nor a dystopia but merely a historic age which preceded this one, full of people who looked to the future with equal parts hope and despair

subtooting a N·Y·Times graphic 

ah yes, famed middle eastern country, The United States

in fairness the reason we have to call it “Latin” is because “Roman” contrasts with “Italic”

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wikipedia talk pages are FULL of pedants convinced that “the Latin alphabet” means not “the system of letters spread by the Romans and adopted widely across Europe and other regions” but, specifically, “the system of letters used to write the Latin language”

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« I am skeptical about the assertion that this is "a letter of the Latin alphabet". Since when did Latin ever have pharyngeals? Or voiced fricatives for that matter? Unless I am very badly misinformed, someone must have added (or proposed adding) this letter at some later point in time for some purpose entirely unrelated to Latin. »

ppl complain about the industry pushing artists to write songs which are more tiktok-friendly or whatever, as tho it’s a sign of how bad music is these days, but dawg, in 2003 they added a male rapper to “Bring Me To Life”

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.