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@Satsuma @Lady next time Niko visits you should show them the PDF i linked that shows the math I used to make my shotgun hitrates graphs

it is some of the most interesting mathematical work i have ever done

@Satsuma @Lady I really don't see the issue with using a Irwin-Hall distribution since, like a bell curve, it's also mathematically easy to deal with while also being exactly correct

@Satsuma @Lady that's very physicist of them. unfortunately the number of summed distributions is too small in practice for the central limit theorem to be generally useful here so the more precise analysis is still necessary

@Satsuma @Lady what specifically were they referring to regarding the central limit theorem

@Satsuma @Lady i am much better at being eventually correct than being efficient or useful

by halftime the eagles had more points than the chiefs had yards

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i cannot believe that a chiefs-eagles superbowl has become a memory that i will treasure but here we are

you could go on national television and say "the republican party is evil" and conservatives will say it was a critique of socialism

@coriander anyone else agree with analyses?

does anyone else agree with my read on this???

@coriander this is why we should have had naked women dancing up there

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.