dark, actual canon
@Taweret sonic's mother canonically participated in the genocide of knuckles' entire people
@maple @Taweret @coriander i genuinely don't know if this is a real sonic character or not
@SportsGoblin fuck ohio
@Taweret because of this post i sent you a follow request
@coriander The first known sighting of the partial yukon came from the moon. Did it come from the moon or did it follow the astronauts there? Cryptologists have argued about this for decades.
@Satsuma if you say so, sir
@coriander holy shit is that the mythical cryptid known as the Partial Yukon?????
@monorail or whatever it's called. the one that gives you the hex spectral card to start
@monorail my only gold stake is on the hex deck
It's crazy that I love JavaScript so much because I struggle to find what it's really best used for. It is "performant" with JIT engine but this causes small programs to require large memory footprints. You can run it without JIT to reduce memory footprint but this comes with a massive performance hit (for some reason people use embedded JavaScript to make videogame UIs with React, lmao).
(Or you can be the Battlefield 1 development team, who used JavaScriptCore, which is Safari's JS engine, as their engine for their main menu UI. JavaScriptCore doesn't use JIT when it's used as an "app" so you get the worst of both worlds. They apparently had many memory problems often during development.)
Of course, JavaScript is the language of the web which is why it is such a popular and useful language, but the emergence of WASM as a compilation target makes me wonder if JavaScript will be better served in the future as a glue language like it was originally intended to be.
I like JavaScript because of "developer experience" concerns and personal taste. I love the JavaScript object. I love how it ergonomically it supports functional programming (if only proper tail calls were consistently optimized by engines). I love dynamically-typed languages for some reason. But I don't think that a language should be used because it is fun for me to write in. A language should be used if it is the right tool for the job.
For high-level code where performance and memory are not of critical concern, I suppose JavaScript is an adequate choice, but I also am not sure it's really the "best" option for anything other than web development.
@aescling oh thank god now i don't have to drink diet pepsi anymore
@wallhackio @aescling drinking weird local sodas no one has heard of as praxis
@SportsGoblin this has been the worst weekend of my life
Movie/animation/anime fan. Videogame enjoyer. Food liker. Physics and mathematics hobbyist. Software Engineer. Professional wonk. I would not be surprised if I had autism + adhd. I like animals that wear cowboy hats.
"i regret ever allowing him here" ~aescling