@coriander without context i find this extremely charming, hence you are wrong, sorry.
here's a fun maths problem for you:
in Balatro, each hand gains a positive number of Chips and Mult, which are then multiplied together to get your final score. but on the Plasma Deck, the rules are altered such that Chips and Mult are "balanced", averaging the two before scoring.
does this "balancing" step always give you a better score than you would have gotten without the Plasma Deck? how would you prove this?
(I'll share my answer in a day or so)
@clarfonthey i thought about this
let x be the chips and y the mult
xy would be the score normally while ((x+y)/2)2 is the plasma deck score
xy - ((x+y)/2)2 is equal to ((x-y)/2)2, a positive number or zero (if x and y are real).
hence the plasma deck scores lower unless the chips and mult are the exact same number, in which deck scores the exact same as normal.
@wallhackio maybe i’m just Autistic but being a policy wonk is cute to me
@aescling @coriander i memorized page numbers for equations in our textbooks it was bad
@coriander i was the BIGGEST physics wonk of all time
@aescling that's a good phrase right there i like it
@Satsuma if you try the may 3rd 2024 nyt mini you will understand
i truly cannot decide between the two. it is up to you, glitchcatters, to decide for me and break the tie
@aescling how brave
@monorail if I had gotten lucky and got the voucher that makes you get celestial cards for your most played hand I could have made a five of a kind build because I played a lot of those in the first four antes
@monorail I once had a game where, very early, I got both the joker that gives an insane multiplier for a four of a kind, and the spectral card that makes every card the same rank, and I was able to win by playing four of a kinds
@coriander @aescling just an extraordinary specimen
Movie/animation/anime fan. Videogame enjoyer. Food liker. Physics and mathematics hobbyist. Software Engineer. Professional wonk. I would not be surprised if I had autism + adhd. I like animals that wear cowboy hats.
"i regret ever allowing him here" ~aescling