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humans should have invented buildings with very different temperature retention characteristics than the outside sooner so our bodies could be more prepared for sudden changes in temperature imo

kumaria-sama don’t do this to ginko

the subs my wife and i have for lesbian bear storm translate つみぐま as “crimibear”. which i love

ultimately i think that this series is far too subtle from a like, pedagogical perspective about the importance of open communication and letting the people you care about make their own decisions, but it's quite fun

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backstory spoilers for yuri is my job 

you get Nene and Sumika talking through their history and how their past conflict was due to Nene's ideas about how Sumika felt and doing ill-advised things to try to get a reaction from her and bring those feelings to the surface, without ever actually telling her about her own feelings.

and then after all that, Nene says (for the second time in the conservation) that she needs to think about other people's feelings.

girl, your problem back then was not not considering her feelings. your problem was focusing more on her feelings than on communicating your own so she could decide how she wanted to react to that. this is not as bad as some of the other examples (since Nene's approach to Sumika's feelings her was indeed was at least more directly selfish), but it was the most recent time and also the repeating of the "i need to consider other people's feelings" after the convo was especially ridiculous lol

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it's like. such a recurring pattern that it's hard to believe it's unintentional, but... like, the text never actually alludes directly to the fact that most of the problems are rooted in the characters' attempts to act based on what they think others are feeling or would feel. and often the characters seem to take away explicit realizations that are the opposite of accurate on this point... so like, also weirdly subtle about it if it is intentional

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despite being a manga in which so many characters so frequently are telling people that they've gotta take other people's feelings into consideration, i'm not sure i've ever seen characters that needed to stop thinking so much about other people's feelings as in yuri is my job

the ncurses website blocks the country of argentina.

happy labour day to all my (lumpen)proletarians.
apologies to those of y'all in the US who've gotta work

@Lady i would also analyze my "sang" as [seŋ], somewhere in that territory; this book transcribed it as mentioned above with æ tho. this article is perplexing me.

it is really hard to actually just read through a chapter in a book on phonetics. 'cause i keep getting distracted making sounds and noticing things about them

does transcribing (GenAm English) "sang" as [sæŋ] make sense to any of y'all?

@Lady also do this independently of whether they wanna make songs about fucking


they should invent polenta that doesn’t stick to the pot.

"for that matter, what inexactly is going on?" —my wife about the severance court scenes in lesbian bear storm

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.