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@wallhackio correct, it is not a federal holiday (also not a state holiday in most states)

@wallhackio okay that is a conveniently very broad definition. will think on more recs tomorrow once i’m back home but for now Your Favorite Weapon, Brand New’s first album, is still i think my favorite of their albums and i did just travel from “Logan to Government Center” last week so it’s pretty top of mind. they’re definitely at their best with songs of anger and i think they were not above average for the genre in terms of misogyny.

@wallhackio also what’s your tolerance for bands that are low-key christian music

it’s a little beautiful that the rival in HGSS (maybe also GSC, i forget) eventually evolves their Golbat to Crobat.

@Lady the indo-aryan languages seem like the main spot where it might plausibly be observable (due to combination of being one of the most studied families in historical linguistics and of having a very ancient literature on phonetics)

but yeah more modern synchronic observation seems more likely to turn up cases if it exists, and certainly we know of some ongoing cases of loss of conditioning environment resulting in phonemic split of former allophones from synchronic observation.

@Lady ah that corollary's an interesting point. see, this is why books about historical linguistics should talk about this issue :P

do you know if cases are known where a conditioning environment for allophonic variation was lost and the former allophonic variation was also simply lost rather than splitting phonologically?

@Satsuma @gaditb well i think it's probably a safe assumption that the butterflies don't know that. my question is how do they know what route to take (and how does that knowledge get preserved through the presumed millennia)?

@gaditb okay extremely cool pull, but ngl my second reaction (the preceding having been both my first and third reactions) was "damnit this also has no discussion of how or why they continue to fly the possibly formerly better route instead of a now more direct one"

nobody talks about how weird it is that a common way for phonemic distinctions in languages to develop is when there's a single phoneme that has different allophones in different context and some aspect of the conditioning environment for an allophone disappears but they keep saying the allophone in words that used to have the right environment and therefore they're now in distinction

like why do we keep using the old (former-)allophone instead of changing to what would normally be expected in that environment.

@Lady por alguna razón el castellano está en desacuerdo con vos.

food, argentina facts 

in argentina things don't typically say something analogous to gluten-free ("libre de gluten", "sin gluten", etc.). more usually foods are labelled as "sin TACC", which is short for wheat, oats, barley, and rye ("sin" meaning "without")

cause like sure it is on some level reassuring that 100% of uses of that name referred to the friend who continues to have that name and that none of our mutual friends gave any sign of even momentarily considering it as potentially ambiguous.
but also 100% of uses made me double take a moment before i parsed that they were talking to him.

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surprising thing i learned this weekend is that spending much time around people with my deadname would be kinda hellish

@Lady on the one hand an aristocrat
on the other has scizor in their teams apparently

ttrpg posting 

i have now used my platform as the person currently acting to evangelize ghost town.
me: “it’s good even if you’re straight. i assume.”

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ttrpg posting 

bachelor party ttrpg session starting out strong:
we the combatants in this interdimensional labyrinth tournament are unionizing

perhaps on this trip i'll finally take a crack at our copy of el terrorismo del estado en la argentina

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.