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instagram is somehow the least usable social networking service. i’m a regular tumblr user.

@Lady @aescling they do famously have identifying marks on their asses


locro kinda rocks btw. stew is best food group after grains. but there's maize in locro so it works out

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plan D did in fact work out. sofi also actually had a somewhat more seasonable if slightly less dessert-y option in mind so we might have gone for that as plan E instead of the unseasonable one

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strike that, time for #4. with luck we won't need to go to the rather unseasonable #5.

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currently on independence day gathering vegan dessert plan #3

very convenient when my internet drops the moment i end a voice call


our first eeveelution in PLA was sylveon


empanadas also good even if not as amazing as the medialunas

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very amusing that the spanish wikipedia article for mate makes sure to clarify that water boils at 100 °C at sea level


ey we found a place with vegan medialunas that delivers. delicious. also vegan empanadas. those i havent tried yet since those are for dinner (we ordered early since it closes at 1930 and this way we could have the medialunas for a merienda)

i start to say "ok so" and the entire first verse of chapstick chapped lips and things like chemistry runs thru my head

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those secretly christian alt rock/pop punk band from the 2000s could make some catchy songs.

it turns out it's easier to tell stories from your life well when you're literally just making them up

the ubiquity of mercadopago here is kinda remarkable.

@ShipsCat @aescling as i am currently reading an animorphs fan translation i’ve decided to interpret the pointy-bracketed text as telepathy.

i often confuse florence pugh and florence welch

@Lady i haven’t. not sure if zie has. noting it.

what movie would you recommend i and my wife watch sometime?

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.