re: poképosting
@aescling not a requirement
food, request for suggestions
so, we have some fake ham (that was given to us after a family lunch where Andrea accidentally bought it instead of fake hamburgers)
but it has just been sitting in the freezer because it doesn't seem like it really fits in our usual meal formats (protein source + rice, protein source + polenta, more rarely particularly large protein source by itself or with fried potatoes)
what do people even do with ham other than i guess put it on sandwiches? i'm soliciting ideas
@aescling @wallhackio mod is camping, her catness abuses her power.
@aescling nah we just felt like watching a science fiction movie
relatedly, my wife has pointed out that the Wachowskis sure have a thing about movies where a technologically advanced society consumed humans in a way that doesn't really make sense
@aschmitz yeah but the interaction model is just kinda very different. loke the reactions need to be sent as emails and even supporting clients seem to treat “somebody reacted to an email you’re CCed on” as warranting a notification. which does make sense since people don’t often look back at emails that they’ve already sent/read where they could see the reactions. but very different from what one would expect from chat systems with reactji.
@aschmitz gmail has it apparently.