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we fuck pokemon like real women and men, we also romance them with fine wine and kisses

@coriander i mean to be fully fair i fur whatever reason didn’t really feel a need to play a remake in the furst place, it was unlikely anything was actually going to sell me on it

the purroduction of the original tickles my brain in a purrticular way and i can’t get over how strange and diffurent the new soundtrack sounds to me

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as soon as i heard the example revamped soundtrack from the ttyd remake’s trailer, i knew i didn’t want the game

leading me
among the blossoming flowers

i think there should be a kitn in your lap. here, let me help with that

a somewhat whimsically described email security thing 

An attacker can use this to include elements in the email that appear or disappear depending on the context in which the email is viewed. Because they are usually invisible, only appear in certain circumstances, and can be used for all sorts of mischief, I’ll refer to these elements as kobold letters, after the elusive sprites of mythology.

first snow
the feral cat
through the dew drops

anyway if you want nicely rendered art of the vees just being cats then [their] art is fur you imo

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.