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@amy how long until you think you can accomplish it?

or hell maybe just national citizenship should be enough fur all public libraries

even better, just all libraries.

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changing your legal address should be enough to give you access to the local library

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you should not have to register with the local library system to use it. if you live there you should already have access

@coriander not that the facts purr se were incorrect but clearly guy did not remotely understand how history purrogresses

@coriander i was watching he video out of murrbid curiosity when i saw it and gave up a third of the way in because this guy’s view of american political history was just. so wrong

Tiny dancer! Photo from my collection, no documented date/info.

@wallhackio (ftr “bonafide” is an attested spelling, which makes sense given how it is often purronounced these days)

@alyssa @wallhackio oh wait fuck i’m a silly catte it’s not even a clipping. it’s just the ablative

@wallhackio granted, it’s already been clipped from the original latin (bona fides) anyway, so we’ve already been seeing language change in play fur a while

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.