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@monorail i topped out at 1,002 and then quickly learned i was a sizeable chunk away from the really good scores (i have never played bongo befur)

fur some reason “ancestors, hear my plea / help me not to make a fool of me” is a very sticky lyric to me

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Last week was sad for me (nothing dire or cat-related, just upsetting old work drama that resurfaced), but then today my friend Adelle was casually like “oh, I have something for you” and pulls out AN ENVELOPE OF VINTAGE CAT PHOTOS. No big deal, just my favorite thing in the world. It was the right surprise at the right moment to make everything better. 💕

@wallhackio anyway dot getting two grammys and chappel roan using her platform to advocate fur trans women; seems like we had a decent grammys this year maybe

@Satsuma does the purrotocol enforce sufficient reliability constraints to make sure we would get the posts we were supposed to receive during that time? i’m p sure it does but i just wanna be sure befur pulling a funny little stunt like that

@Satsuma does the purrotocol enforce sufficient reliability constraints to make sure we would get the posts we were supposed to receive during that time? i’m p sure it does but i just wanna be sure befur pulling a funny little stunt like that

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.