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Satsuma boosted

list of things which are good (incomplete) 

• bread

Satsuma boosted

I'm still working to get a public progress report from the OTW on what it's doing to protect fans of color from racist harassment on AO3.

The OTW Board says they're not saying anything until it's finalized. I say it's been a year and they've only posted one and a half updates and that's unacceptable.

You can read their full response, and my reply, at Tumblr:

Satsuma boosted

Finally for Ace Week, if I'm allowed to self-promo a bit, I'm an asexual author who has published two books with asexual protagonists and ace romance.

Trying to write the kind of books I've always wanted to read!

BOOKS & BONE is a haunted but oddly sweet story of librarians and necromancy.

NON-PLAYER CHARACTER is a cosy queer portal fantasy where a group of TTRPG nerds in their 30s must navigate the world of their game.

Satsuma boosted
Satsuma boosted

I will answer questions directed my way to the best of my ability

However I am not on the survey team and am also not interested in your opinion about the fact that they’re using a google product for the survey so please keep that to yourself.

(If you notice any major oversights in the survey *design* eg, questions assuming a single partner, and don’t want to provide feedback with the survey team directly I will pass those along)

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It’s the time of year when I ask people to go take the Community Survey!

Emphasis on the community part — people who do not currently or have not ever identified as ace are welcome to take part if they are interested & in fact having some comparative data from non-ace participants is helpful for the survey teams data analysis

Satsuma boosted

The web historians equivalent to digging up pot shards

Satsuma boosted

"I always support critical thinking about what we create and why. The 'why' behind what we like — as well as why other people might have issues with it — can help us create and consume content more effectively. However, at the end of the day . . . '[d]ark' content in fandom is a safe outlet for people, more so than it is a tool to harm other people in fandom."

- Stitch "On 'Dark Fic,' Morality, and Why Critical Thinking Is Vital" #Fandom #fanfic

Something's got the crows in a tizzy today

Satsuma boosted

re: Academia (good news tho) 

@Satsuma you don’t like lying on carpet?

Academia, networking meta 

I am actually not bad at networking it’s just very high stakes for me bc ~institutional systems set up to put me at a disadvantage~

And also because email is the fucking worst

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Academia (good news tho) 

One of my classes was a half semester course so our last meeting was tonight, and the prof very casually pulled me back when everyone was leaving to check what my plans were after school and oh, was i aware of these fellowships his program runs that i could apply for? He’d be happy to write me a reference if I was interested in applying

Except then I needed to double check some info he gave me, which meant emailing him and it turns out someone saying very nice things about you doesn’t actually make emailing them about research opportunities any easier!!!! Going to go lie on my floor and recover instead of doing any homework now. You know, as a very professional academic who’s definitely qualified for this fellowship program would

Satsuma boosted

@monorail visit beautiful! we have:

  • a catflame who keeps wondering why their httpd broke federation again;
  • a writer working on fifteen billion other projects at once, who for some reason decided to take on moderation for this server on top of all that; and
  • an orange

religion (?) 

Damn the pope really just said all christians should be pro-UBI

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.