If you’re a philly resident (or live nearby) Philly Bike Action is organizing a number of protests this week for better bike lane protections—attend if you can!
Protect the Bike Lanes - July 28, 2024
Take the Lane for Safe Streets: July 31 Broad Street Ride - July 31, 2024
PBA Citywide Town Hall Meeting - August - Aug. 5, 2024
Anyway please really do read the second half and click all the org links--there's a lot of great fannish orgs out there who get swallowed up by the monopoly the OTW has on fannish money and volunteer times, a fact which deserves to be rectified on its own merits even before you consider how egregiously the OTW has abused its volunteers and the trust of its members
(the similarities are because literally nothing has changed Re:the OTW in the last year, except now they've also come out as racist about the ongoing Palestinian genocide)
Astute readers may note the similarity between todays blog post and one I made just around this time last year about how the OTW sucks and you should consider supporting other fannish orgs: https://satsuma.dreamwidth.org/32229.html
Medical, mini-psa?
Since I just found out this is a thing—if you have allergies, particularly if you’ve ever had a reaction to nickel jewelry etc, you can get a whole surgical allergy panel done which will check for 20 different metals & other materials commonly used in surgical tools & implants!
Its a bit more involved than normal allergy skin tests so you’ll likely have to go in for multiple visits—I had to schedule mine out over my week off in march because we couldn’t find a set of appointment slots which worked with my normal schedule but it means I’ll be able to make a fully informed decision if I ever need any procedures/implants rather than being like “uhhhh I *think* I’m only allergic to nickel and maybe chromium????“
I'm still accepting about me Q's for the first part of the #SnowflakeChallenge but have also done some goals now for challenge 2: https://satsuma.dreamwidth.org/29450.html
Clearly a LOT of fics have gotten deleted over the years, I shouldn’t have been able to get thru then so quickly
#Ao3TagOfTheDay Fluff, Taxes, Abduction
The crows are not your minions, they will choose to learn or not learn the spell based on their own interests and will only use it for their own purposes so choose wisely
@Lady it doesnt quite make grammatical sense for how his sword got named suiban but like, as a character note it’s very on point
and also Lan Quiren saying ‘aight is priceless
Asked @Lady how to say ‘aight in Chinese bc one of her speaking exercises was ‘how are things?’ and her first suggestion was 好 - hǎo but then she was like ‘or i guess you know suibian because its in that show you like’
which is to say this is now my new preferred translation for Wei Wuxian’s sword 😂
when @Lady and I were in chicago we kept trying to eat in parks but the takeout places never gave out cutlery, which prompted me into finally investing in a nice kit for my bag (she has a matching set in raspberry, and we have a blue one for anyone who comes to visit!!!)
sleepy af
also https://satsuma.dreamwidth.org/
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