@platypus yeah thats one where we really shoulda just stuck with the original latin, calvaria makes it much easier to parse
@ljwrites maybe you accidentally double added one of the books, and it was supposed to mean they’d removed the extra copy of that book? idk v odd
@ljwrites huh i was able to get all ten books at once without issue a few days ago, i wonder what changed
@ljwrites @TarkabarkaHolgy yeah i thought they had already done that one?
@brainwane @Betty ah so i was half right
@brainwane @Betty my guess is mascot for the metropolitan museum of art
@platypus yeah i am not emotionally or physically prepared for snow and neither is my garden 😅
@platypus i am still in the “just glad its raining at all” phase
@Betty @biasto_bias @soph_sol poor Wen Qing 😂
@soph_sol i feel like the funniest option is that wn and lwj start having sex for the purpose of working out their mutual horny wwx feelings and wwx finds out they’re hooking up and has like, a week straight of horny dreams about his two good friends mutual sex life he just discovered before he realizes MAYBE this is not straight behavior
@titania @pagrus not in house, but there are definitely some instances using https://fed.brid.gy/ to federate by proxy
@runpunkrun yeah i feel that! it can be frustrating
covid mitigation talk
@Cyannin thats a…really odd reaction? i mean, i’m glad they were willing to take other kinds of precautions at least i guess, but “hey can you take a test i have already acquired” feels like one of the easiest possible asks
@mightbekaren is the condensation on the inside or the outside? if its outside idk that there’s much you can do, but in might be at least reduced with a dehumidifier
you could also try putting up window insulation film—it’s usually pretty removable/renter friendly and might help reduce the temp differential thats provoking the condensation?
@runpunkrun good to have a rest and recovery day after such a busy one!
sleepy af
also https://satsuma.dreamwidth.org/
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