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@pagrus yeah it’d be pretty far from home if it were one! they are roughly chicken sized though, which would rule out pretty much every other option haha

@pagrus i am looking at photos of snowy plovers and they are adorable but also extremely do not have that beak (they also generally seem to have a lighter coloring, though its hard to tell with your pic’s lighting)

@Lady i feel like this would be a much more devious question if she wasnt shown to be scared of Daoming Si on a semi-regular basis


@alyssa i make it occasionally! and i think Bonne Maman has a decent one they sell? but its def not a flavor you see in every grocery store

@rowyn memory magic very much didnt treat it last time, if my own memory serves. Cassie just couldn’t remember why she was panicking

Mild-to-moderate disability/lack of care vent, and also a pun I’m very proud of :D 

@Packbat yeah i don’t think it’s 100% cut and dry, but i do think the two terms tend in different directions

(haha that is a very different sona! so many possibilities)

@Packbat imo sona implies you’re bringing the concept into our world somehow, while self insert is just projecting yourself into the fictional world.

@platypus @CayceP squints maybe they meant that it takes fewer clicks 98% of the time?


@Betty this is also the problem i have with normal omegaverse worldbuilding tbf 😂

@wallhackio you’re still not succeeding at convincing me its a misread

uneccesary guilt of the day 

@pastelsinmysky i suspect you are holding yourself to a standard here you would never hold the people you follow to. So what if sometimes you have fun chatting about something and never turn it into a published fic? you had fun right? wasn’t that the point?

a dramatic improvement over the last time i tested fedi’s ability to display formatting!

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