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quoted thankyou and my girlfriend didn’t pick up on it so i put on dido discog and baked sugar cookies

if it weren’t for browsers this internet thing could have been pretty swell

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the only part of the web i don’t like is HTML. the internet protocol is good. HTTP is good. XML is good. CSS even is pretty good. but HTML is bad. the DOM in its current iteration as an API for HTML is bad. anything WHATWG touches is bad

lesser-known sister to “easter” just meaning “spring”

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did you know “lent” is short for “length” it’s called that because the days are getting longer that’s all it means

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according to ladys calendar carnivaltide ends on the 13th and lententide begins on valentines day. we are going to make a cake

“earth is warm but space is cold. to solve global warming, we simply need to have less atmosphere.”

we have a local chain coffee shop across the street but i wish we had an indie coffee shop instead

(in case it wasn’t clear i’m making fun of critiques of mastodon)

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a minecraft server is literally like a cult, because there is no account portability and the moderators have all the power. but if there was only one minecraft server for the entire world, it wouldn’t matter that there still wouldn’t be account portability and moderators would still have all the power, because it’s impossible for a cult to be the entire world! that doesn’t even make sense but does not in any way challenge my previous assertions

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i want to see the things that minecraft youtube microcelebrities are making every day and to be able to interact and contribute to them in inane and likely detrimental ways that everyone else will ignore or else start flamewars over, this is important to me

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what if minecraft but instead of lots of smaller community-oriented servers we just had one big server, and the monsterhunters and casual builders and griefers all just had to learn to live together?? as it stands if i make something cool on one server, nobody on the other servers can see it and this is bad

i don't think i have the energy for like minecraft everyday but i could probably do like minecraft mondays or something

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remember when kitty hosted a minecraft server that was nice

maddening mode is hard but it’s not so hard you can’t send a bitch to go kill a dragon or two

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i’m a magic princess
on a pegasus i fly
dead or alive

not wearing pants in bed is a lot nicer when there is somebody else not wearing pants in bed with you

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.