what if minecraft but instead of lots of smaller community-oriented servers we just had one big server, and the monsterhunters and casual builders and griefers all just had to learn to live together?? as it stands if i make something cool on one server, nobody on the other servers can see it and this is bad
a minecraft server is literally like a cult, because there is no account portability and the moderators have all the power. but if there was only one minecraft server for the entire world, it wouldn’t matter that there still wouldn’t be account portability and moderators would still have all the power, because it’s impossible for a cult to be the entire world! that doesn’t even make sense but does not in any way challenge my previous assertions
@Lady (This is basically Second Life, right? Which is I think still around, although less of an online zeitgeist thing than it used to be, not sure how the actual userbase compares.)
@aschmitz i was about to say Eve Online lol
@Lady I guess, though it feels like there's less creative freedom there (other than in, say, storytelling, which isn't nothing)? But I'll admit I've stayed away from Eve because it seems like the sort of thing I might get sucked into.
(in case it wasn’t clear i’m making fun of critiques of mastodon)