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shadow the hedgehog is like what if they gave a princess some guns

10-year-old looking out the car window as miles of forest flash by: the world is very big

20-year-old who has traversed thousands of miles in a matter of hours on an airplane: the world is very small

30-year-old who hasn’t seen their blood family in years and doesn’t own a vehicle: the world is very big

who would win ?

protestants who are like “we have chosen a branch of catholic thought which is simply too progressive for the roman catholic church to tolerate” are good. protestants who are like “i would like to discard the entire history of catholic thought in favour of this novel interpretation i made up by ignoring all but the literal words of the biblical text” are bad. these are my takes on christian religion

a fire emblem game i’ve never played before? with a bunch of mechanics i’m not familiar with? sure i’ll put it on the hardest difficulty. why not

fire emblem is just a puzzle game for people who like bow lesbians

superheroes who hand criminals over to the cops because they trust in the criminal justice system


superheroes who hand criminals over to the cops like “it’s your problem now, suckers”

see my problem is i don’t have any students i can apprentice in my weirding ways

remember when the french police raided Beaux-Arts to try to shut down Atelier Populaire during the May 68 protests in Paris, but were confused because they were looking for offset printers and didn't know about screenprinting

typoed google as goof but duckduckgo knew what i meant

somebody just @ me when the tangara supports ALAC so i can start considering it

obviously the correct way to format json is

{ "like": "this"
, "mother": "fucker" }

more money:
• can make games faster and cheaper
• can sell games to people who can’t afford $70/game and thus reach a wider audience
• GBA games are better and so should sell better
• GBA games are better and so will drive merchandising opportunities more than switch games
• lower development barriers = more exclusive third-party titles, driving sales

less money:
• GBA games are worse for performative gaming (streaming) and so have less cultural cachet
• the price of games is so disconnected from the costs of producing them that anything you can do to make charging $70 justified is worth it
• can't cash in on ports of iOS games
• most gamers only buy prestige games meaning they won’t consider anything cheap or technically simple

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if nintendo pivoted to rereleasing the game boy advance and developing comparatively low-budget, easy-to-develop games and selling them for $30 apiece, they would make

so local tv just died while i wasn’t looking huh

my take is that perhaps we can criticize the united states for its ethical and moral failings WITHOUT needing to fall back on a tired argument where it is singularly responsible for the actions of other nations and other world leaders, as tho its purpose in society is to be both the ethical rule and the peacekeeper/enforcer of geopolitical events and the rest of the world is but a current or potential colony that gets a bit unruly sometimes, sometimes with permission and sometimes without

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oh are we attributing and analysing international events as though they were solely orchestrated by the leaders of the united states and maybe, at best, a couple of specially designated enemies there·of in their eternal struggle for the fate of the universe again

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.