given how long this is taking to boot i am guessing that running a desktop operating system thru QEMU emulation on an original M1 macbook pro is not viable
i would switch to a B·S·D if every B·S·D didn’t give vibes of being staffed entirely by missing stairs
what version of unicode is used for APFS, for example? the original specification says Unicode 9.0, but i can make files named “🥠” on my computer today
so many formats these days are just specially-engineered zip files and there is no Posix way of engaging with them
the use of <书社:link xlink:href="about:shushe?include=things/"> as a shorthand for doing a link with every file nested in things/ is definitely a little conceptually sus, especially once i get to supporting @xlink:show values other than "embed", but it is so convenient 😔
the approach is to define a
<书社:link xlink:href="about:shushe?include=things/" xlink:show="embed"/>
which then gets all the files in $(INCLUDEDIR)/things/ and transforms to a
<书社:archive 书社:expanded="">
<html:article 书社:archived-as="index.html"><!--…--></html:article>
not hard to do at all
the thing with the approach of “treat everything as an include, create a conceptual archive containing the entire site, and then extract that into public” is that (1) being able to just xpath into any file at any time is actually extremely powerful, and (2) this does just mean loading your entire site into memory and doing every transformation on it all in one go
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“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.