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trying to see what Lady is working on (not published to git) by seeing what Lady is working on (published to git)


can’t believe i’m spending my saturday optimizing a make·file


hope to have the source code up sometime this weekend

but before doing that i at least need to write a README for it

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i now have the ability to create dragon age–style codices from a directory of text files

it looks terrible because there is no styling yet, but i can do it

They should address the
behaviour of the students
on the computer


remember when ash was like… dragonite evolved arms… to hug


maybe indexing every website on the internet is the actual problem and we should only be indexing the good ones

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it probably is easier to train an A·I system to recognize and elevate high-quality sources than it is to fix whatever Google’s current algorithm is

until that A·I system becomes popular and S·E·O starts targeting it instead, at which point you have a black box you can’t do anything with

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“A·I powered search does better than Google!” well yeah that is because Google is trash


od -t u4 -N 4 /dev/random | sed 's/^[0-9]* *//' | tr -d ' \n' | awk 'BEGIN{chars="0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ&~@=U"}{d=32^5;r=$0%32^6;printf "%s",substr(chars,r%37,1);while(d>0){printf "%s",substr(chars,int(r/d),1);if(d==32^4)printf "%s","-";r%=d;d=int(d/32)}}'

re: prrgrrmmng 

for some reason gawk thinks that printf should not interpret its arguments the same as printf on the command line so instead you have to pipe to it if you need that bit

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what she had:

› awk '$0!~/%/{printf("%s",$0)}/%/{sub("%","0x");printf("\\%04o",$0)}'

the portable awk script:

› awk '$0!~/%/{printf "%s",$0}/%/{sub("%","0x");cmd="xargs printf \"%04o\"";printf "%s","\\";printf "%s",$0|cmd;close(cmd)}'

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…do i now hav basically ȣl ðe tools i need to build ðat codex software i wuz thinkiŋ about like five years ago


oh no i’m considering changing my layout radically again

However, the two
were captured again while trying
to escape the fray

what do you think? that someone writing critical, compassionate fanfic can thrive here? that they will be taken seriously and able to make a difference? this system cares nothing for them and everything for the fanworks they hate

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this is not hyperbole; if you care more about the preservation of a mythical fan identity, always figured as constantly under threat, than you do about actual human beings or, dare i say, the interrogation and advancement of the artform—into something more compassionate, more responsible, and more capable of enacting good in the world—then you have lost sight of your own humanity and certainly that of the people around you, and this ⁜is⁜ the founding and driving mythos of the organization of which i speak

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it is mildly distressing however that fans see people approaching their art with a mentality that all criticism and interrogation is suspect, that analysing the human costs and effects of a work is misguided and wrong, and that every form of speech, no matter how vile, is equally valuable and worthy of preservation—that fans see these takes brought out again and again and yet expect something other than the same old fascism from the people who make them

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.