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thoughts on mozilla 

• they know they have an image problem and are entirely disinterested in fixing it

• they are far from the only open-source/tech advocacy nonprofit on the planet and others do it better

• dunno why people keep defending them considering the above

open web docs 

is there a frontend for these yet which isn’t mozilla-branded


did i just discover a bug in libxml2 or

pokémon music 

played “My Best Friends” for @Satsuma and they were NOT having it

what kind of lesbian are you? 

Take your Electric type like Jolteon,
Against Leafeon’s Grass the battle’s no fun.
Reach higher with Fire—go Flareon!
Think twice about Ice to be number one.
Water’s in order if you want to be slick.
Espeon’s the best bet when you get Psychic.
Umbreon’s the key to your Dark mood,
But Sylveon won’t leave you with time to brood!

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what kind of lesbian are you? 

how do you do the things you do? share with me your secrets deep inside. what kind of lesbian are you? are you loyal thru & thru? do you have a heart that’s true?


probably won’t finish my new static site generator makefile by the end of today but hopefully will by the end of new years

is down for anybody else or is it just me


programming languages that do one thing well are great

like Makefile and executing shell commands to update files

or XSLT and transforming XML trees

or Ruby and making it impossible to know where any one method is defined

love them for that

But the shot just missed
me and struck the man on my
right full in the chest


libxslt has a (configurable) maximum recursion depth of 1500 which does mean that if you can’t reasonably chunk your markup language into smaller pieces than that you can probably only process things which are very small

i bet you could write an efficient djot parser for it though

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what if we only used markup languages for which it is possible to write a parser in XSLT 1.0 + EXSLT

oh my god it’s a live dom iteration bug isn’t it why would you do this to me

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is the rss feed for my statuses… skipping every other paragraph?!

Status update: Jastugay dictionary now available 

As the title says, it’s at <>.

This is the last of the “standalone” Jastu‐Sevensi languages; it’s a refinement of Jastulae that I worked on roughly from 2010–2013. Unlike the other languages I posted dictionaries for, you can actually create sentences in this one, although the grammars are still somewhat lacking and the documentation leaves something to be desired. This dictionary also contains a small handful of names that I used in various projects around this time: Tæn, Īō, Ʒäsā, ⁊·c. As a lexis for coming up with fantasy names which follow consistent phonological rules, it’s pretty good (because, well, it does).

C·C·0 of course.

The next project is to finish up the Pre–Jastu‐Sevensi dictionary, which combines all of these languages into a single proto‐lexis. I’m feeling a bit of trepidation about this one, because I did the initial development work for it in 2015, and I’m not sure whether I agree with all of the decisions I made then. It is likely that this will be a project of not just cleaning up the existing work but also doing new development to make it complete, consistent, and useful. Having to do work on a 2015 language is a bit undesirable as I would much rather be working on a 2024 one.

My feelings towards Pre–Jastu‐Sevensi are of course merely a pre·amble to my feelings regarding Sevensi as a whole. The parts of the language I feel passionately about are the grammars, general morphology, and phonology, but the question of how to get from this early proto‐language to there still feels very undecided. After spending so much time with Jastugay, I’m not convinced I made the right calls regarding the consonant and vowel shifts when I charted it out the first time. I’m eager to dig into those problems and hopefully write up some documentation regarding them in the new year.

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hyperlinks were invented so you wouldn’t have to rely on that

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