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the web isn’t dying, only the surface web


“actually girls who are into battling are way more hardcore. we’ve been giving you boy rivals so far because you weren’t ready for it”

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after decades of girls who are like “i like cute pokémon! but i don’t care about battles… what about pokémon contests?!” i don’t think casuals understand what an immense apology tour the pokémon company made by giving us nemona

marijuana pardon 

« As long as you ain’t got 40 grams in your hand,
can’t get you with a felony (delivery intent)
But anything less than that’s a misdemeanor
And legally a reason for police to take seizure »

biden’s only pardoning the latter one fyi

me for 90% of the video: okay this is pretty and all but there’s no way it’s going to top “The Pokémon Inside My Heart”

me realizing that it is using the theme of evolution as a transition metaphor: FUCK

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why even bother writing pokémon fanfiction when they’re going to drop MVs like this

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I post this after
an user reverted my
edit on a page

Status update: First set of dictionaries available at 

I’ve just (re)published the dictionaries for <>="Eho", <>="Elrex", and <>="Jastulae", three “fictional” languages I developed in high school. The number of words in these languages is relatively tiny, so I always use them to test my processes before moving on to bigger things.

They are marked C·C·0, of course.

There are larger languages in the pipeline which still need some work. Jästūgā, despite being a fork of Jastulae, needs serious remediation thanks to a constantly shifting orthography. Proto–Jastu‐Sevensi, which combines all of these, has some confusing information and really should be double-checked against its sources. Fizonal hasn’t been touched since 2017 and its data—if it is even complete—is in an extremely old X·M·L format.

My ultimate goal in archiving and uploading these languages is to kickstart development again on Sevensi using these languages as the base. Constructing artificial languages has been a hobby of mine since at least 2009, but it’s been a long time since I seriously put work into it, thanks to running up against some technical barriers and the limits of what I could feasibly manage with my existing workflows.

I will post more about these technologies as they develop. Again, Langdev work is as a rule C·C·0 so feel free to rip off both the languages and the tools. These early dictionaries are all T·E·I documents with embedded X·S·L·T, but I’ll break with that model once I reach things in active development.

Permalink: <>


when the rice is piping and warms your throat on the way down ☺️

Look at my recent
contributions to see what
I'm talking about


‘i think that’s valid, but it does have kind of “straight couple trying to save their marriage” vibes’

Kindly let me know
what I can do to have the
article published

pokémon meta 

the new pokémon games are definitely better for what TPC is leaning into currently, which is competitive play and event-based social dynamics, but there are other ways to ensure people keep playing and talking about your game

you could instead have a game which is really, really replayable, like they used to have

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pokémon meta 

old pokémon games: you can only use a TM once and many movesets are difficult to obtain and take a lot of care to bring about, so there’s strong incentive to play the game multiple times and experiment with lots of different teams. at the end of the game there are challenges which reward you for putting the time in and raising your mon well

new pokémon games: you can get every pokémon with pretty much any moveset trivially. also there are lots of events you can only really do if you have already beat the game. there is absolutely nothing else to work towards

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pokémon meta 

ironic that newer games have both less postgame and much worse replay value

📖; Mickey Mouse 

« Mickey’s parentage is irrelevant. He is a godlike figure who answers to no one. »

the a·i takeover of the internet 

i for one welcome the days when people no longer believe that computers can be trusted to adequately perform the social tasks of categorizing and making discoverable meaningful information

which of course is where this is all headed, if you consider that the a·i generating noise is always going to be at least as sophisticated as the one trying to filter it

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.