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web regulation take 

i think a lot of the problems of the internet would be solved if they just made it illegal to run a web crawler of nontrivial magnitude

fantasy genre 

tolkien wasn’t tolkien by being an ideas guy

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fantasy genre 

“by writing my magnum opus, i will establish myself as the world’s next Tolkien!!” buddy, if you want to be the world’s next tolkien u first gotta get a Ph.D. and write like several articles or translations of folklore


an exception to this is domain-specific technology when the people in your domain are both largely good and numerous enough to maintain most of the necessary components of their ecosystem, which is why i work in library tech, but

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making software which is useful to other people generally involves networking with the most insufferable imaginable human beings so that’s why i don’t do it


actually, you can iterate non-recursively over a string with exslt:tokenize, it’s just terrible

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re: “kid writing” 

personally i feel like W is such a rare letter with largely nonsensical application that as a kid i would be reluctant to use it, but adults fond of eye dialects sure do love sticking it in there

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“kid writing” 

which misspelling is more likely?

re: open·a·i, apparently news 

anyway no guy in tech with such a strong cult of personality as to be able to resecure their C·E·O position just five days after their firing isn’t a serial abuser, sorry

support in Open·A·I was so unanimous because all the haters had already been pushed out or silenced

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re: open·a·i, apparently news 

“actually i thought sam altman was a great guy and the board just picked this random day to suddenly be super afraid of his vision for artificial intelligence”

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open·a·i, apparently news 

« The complaints about Altman’s alleged behavior, which have not previously been reported, were a major factor in the board’s abrupt decision to fire Altman on Nov. 17, according to the people. Initially cast as a clash over the safe development of artificial intelligence, Altman’s firing was at least partially motivated by the sense that his behavior would make it impossible for the board to oversee the CEO. » ok but like, everybody knew this

re: “ontologies” 

somebody bothered to formalize this when they could have been fucking

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• If a process is an instance of curing food,
• then there exist an entity, another process and another entity such that the entity is an instance of food and the entity is a patient of the process and the other process is an instance of putting and the other process is a subprocess of the process and the other entity is an instance of salt and the other entity is a patient of the other process and the other process ends up at the entity

Plums and peaches are
closely related and they've
made hybrids before


(there is no way to make a non-recursive parser in xslt 1.0)

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does anybody know if it implements tail call recursion optimizations? or will recursive parsers just inherently be limited by the maximum stack depth

re: music 

oh, i put off listening to the new Holly Humberstone album because i was worried it wouldn’t hold up but the first few songs are at least passable

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re: music 

can already honourable mention ‘In My Car’ by Rat Tally which won’t make the cut on account of having been released in 2022

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need to listen to more from this year or i’m not going to have enough songs for my year-end playlist

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.