re: prrgrrmmng, social media
i like Having Conversations on mastodon but i don’t like Making Posts here; i’d rather Make Posts on a better website (my own) and just use mastodon for talking with folks
xkcd #927
today apparently the argument is “a user on macOS and a user on Windows input the exact same keystrokes but get different results. this is a feature, not a bug.”
re: test post
well if i manually do the oauth stuff i can at least point a json blob at a masto
iOS Mastodon apps
do any aside from the official Mastodon app support posting via Shortcuts? it’s the only one i’ve found and even its support is lacking (no CW; no unlisted visibility)
※ Note: I’m quite happy with my current app and don’t want to pay a subscription fee just for this feature, but a one-time fee might be worth it if it’s good.
printf '%s' "$$(echo '<![CDATA['; cat $1 | tr '\000\013\014' '\032\011\012' | sed $$(printf '%s%b' 's/]]>/]]]]><!\[CDATA\[>/g;s/\xEF\xBF\xBE/�/g;s/\xEF\xBF\xBF/�/g;$$!s/\r$$//g;s/\r/\n/g;$$!s/\xC2\x85$$//g;s/\xC2\x85/\n/g;s/\xE2\x80\xA8/\n/g;' 's/[\001-\010]/�/g;s/[\016-\037]/�/g'); | echo ']]>')"
re: tech culture
fine but like, why are you posting your code on a website designed to maximize drive-by contributions from complete strangers then
re: tech culture
but at the same time there are fairly indie, single-developer projects out there where the person in charge actually knows how to listen and communicate and it CAN work; there are projects i am subscribed to on github where i read about every message because the discussions are largely good and interesting
and then there are the projects run by people in tech who just wanted to make their idea a reality and selectively communicate with people who either already agree with them or meet some notability criteria they respect
re: tech culture
“what if we made developing software like social media but minus any features which make managing social communities easy or good”
re: tech culture
i do actually think github is bad but in the way that i think if the people who ran notable project githubs instead ran forums, they would be the saddest, most depressing forums around, whereas github just normalizes it
invasion of Gaza
apparently the U·S recently vetoed a U·N vote for a ceasefire, as they do
web regulation take
imagine if google only indexed pages that human users actually visited and then clicked a button saying “i found this helpful”
web regulation take
some folks in a slack talking about how the rise in LLMs has led to an increase in web spider activity and i’m just like what if we didn’t allow that
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.