“instead of making a solution i actually like, why don’t i just use this existing software that comes pre·installed on like every machine”
the existing software installed on every machine :—
• GNU Make
• libxslt
re: mastodon admins 🤝 library application developers
longer context: after months of the latest version of json-canonicalization being 0.3.2, they decided that was actually a breaking change and DELETED 0.3.2 and published 1.0.0 instead
versions of json-ld (same maintainer) prior to the latest require a version of json-canonicalization >= 0.3.2, < 1.0.0, which of course now no longer exists
bump your json-ld to 3.3.1 and you're good
re: mastodon admins 🤝 library application developers
anyway if you use a Gemfile.lock you should probably just go ahead and update your json-ld to the latest version right now
re: social media
i’ll take“how to make people feel like they are forming a social bond with you even though you are providing both sides of the conversation” for 1000
it’s the 30th of november
it’s the first day without henry kissinger
spotify wrapped
i don’t use spotify but here are 3 good albums available on #bandcamp :—
re: bad takes from pokémon fans
some pokémon moves are for interesting competitive play. some pokémon moves are for interesting storytelling. it’s wrong to want to limit the games to just one or the other, i·m·o
and in the context of a video game, where the stakes are very low, it’s nice to have moments where you snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat by hitting a 10 with magnitude
re: bad takes from pokémon fans
i’m thinking about writing a fanfic about gym leader whitney right now and i gotta say
would i want to play against a clefairy who knows metronome in a high stakes competitive battle? no, of course not
does whitney’s clefairy knowing metronome unlock a whole wealth of narrative potential? absolutely
re: bad takes from pokémon fans
m8 if u want to be playing chess then just go and play chess
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.