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@Cyborgneticz @platypus @bright_helpings marx, engels, and the spectre haunting europe is my new poly triad costume


“you’re very task-oriented today” babe i have like three minutes before my meeting

sports teams 

or maybe that's just me being a 90's kid; i saw ken griffey and edgar martinez and a-rod in the kingdome when i was 4 yk?

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sports teams 

might not be obvious to folks not from the area but the most Seattle teams are the one that doesn't exist and the one that always blows their season halfway thru

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sports teams 

honestly having moved out of the PNW i don't have super strong loyalty to a lot of the Seattle teams

but you’ll never get me to cross the Mariners or the Sonics

which word is a homophone with “jazz”?

I have been writing
this article, on and off,
for about two years


i started watching a shitposty video on my phone and my partner immediately just got up and left

The first episode is out now:

and I'm about to sit down and watch it for the first time.

Connor is building a framework for understanding the ways that the french/english/american imperial relationship with the rest of the world shapes the way international news is reported.

It's about media literacy under imperialism.

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re: east coast 🆚 west coast differences 

they just stick ’em in fuckin’ everything

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east coast 🆚 west coast differences 

over here nobody feels bad about eating almonds

labour day 

thank you WGA and SAG‐AFTRA for making it so i don’t have to work today


imagining a world where it was considered unethical for programmers to self·plaigarize

re: web design 

now if they just learned that all 4 borders don’t have to be the same type

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web design 

*sees the most basic, minimal, hacked‐together webpage* oh hey it’s like the designs i make

keyboard layouts 

i finally found an app for making custom ones on iOS and it is demonstrating to me that i never actually learned my keyboard layout, only how to type it

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.