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today i wrote fanfic and lost at fire emblem

can't believe my most boosted post is about software development of all things and i now regret my words and deeds

so help me fix this situation by boosting this post instead:

send me your favorite lesbian erotica! and don't hold back on the dank stuff! dm me if you don't want to post it publicly! i don't give a fuck! let's go!

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why did they make the internet fast. it was better when it was slow

i know i criticized the d·s·a for their structurelessness but the thing is i think they could actually learn a lot from feminist organizing

probably should not post militant communist rap music in the groupchat i was just added to


the problem with today is i can’t ask a teenager to give me their iPod and hand it back to them the next day with a bunch of forbidden music

is 4 bigger than 3 or about the same size?

d·s·a slowly turning me into an anarchist

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.