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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (1) 

Spirit Tracks, or, Zelda learns the importance of hard work and not leaving your country’s infrastructure projects in the hands of demons from hell

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please do not use “liquid gold” in your metaphor for orgasm

every time a fic says zelda is shorter than link, i have to remind that zelda is taller than link

every time a fic says zelda’s hands are smaller than link’s, i have to remind,

Zelda gives Link a blowjob (1) 

« Her slender, elegant fingers wrapped around his shaft » actually can we pause and talk about zelda’s fingers for a bit

like, zelda’s hands are not small. she is taller than link, and all the formulas i can find correlating hand size and gender say that men are taller than women with the same hand size—i.e. have smaller hands than women of the same height

so like. yes zelda's fingers are slenderer than link's. but they're also LONGER

think about that

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not fair that my girlfriend gets to witness all my Reactions when i’m reading fanfic

sorry amazon but you can only do business out of one location now. pick your favourite warehouse

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why did they let companies have multiple locations. what if they just outlawed that

my girlfriend is Very Asleep but their phone was in their hand when they nodded off and it’s still there, thru various repositionings, very cutely

if you drank two sips of soup, would your anger recede?

who wins ?


today i learned search engines think “OAI” stands for “OpenAI”

clearly the girls on my feed need to crack open ‘On the Genealogy of Morals’

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