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(i didn’t put marxists on this poll because everybody already knows they’re fuckable)

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obviously there are other kinds of Lady but that’s not the question

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which would u rather?

would you pour Sprite in your coffee?

who wins ?

TorrentWitch87 can torrent anything. But can SHE torrent one quirky single-season chinese drama which used to be aired on Netflix?

me: being a sysadmin is kind of like being a mom…

gf: ok…

me: and @aescling is a cat, so the services she syscatmins are like her litter

gf: ok…

me: so the server that she hosts them all on is like her litterbox

gf: no

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if you have more than 250 active followers your notifs are already a forum

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“cool people” = less than 250 active followers

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i would like a forum for cool people on here who make websites

reminder to update the copyright year in any files you touch

i used to write fedi software and contribute interesting meta and have thought-provoking discussions with well-known names and faces and believe in the power of community and the power of individuals to help each other and save lives and chart a collective better path forward. then something happened. hmmm

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sometimes i see someone on here from 2017 and they still have a following and still are well-liked and i wonder why i failed to achieve that

and then i remember i explicitly gave up on this place as a community and have no interest in maintaining social networks with the kinds of people or in the kinds of ways it would take to make that happen

and then i judge them

by pride i mostly just mean caring passionately about certain local foods

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girlfriend’s sibling’s partner is from Everett and it’s amazing how much worse westsiders are at having regional pride

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.