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i have decided to fix politics by classifying rightist extremism and leftist extremism as the same. if you want to see one you have to also permit the other. this will definitely foster healthy communities and not make anyone at all upset

you are welcome to fork that Deno script tho if you want to not be an X·S·L·T sicko

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the goal is by the end of the year to be blogging using 💄📝 Les·M·L & ⛩📰 书社 rather than Markdown embedded in RDF and compiled with a Deno script

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blog revamp status: i can generate mostly correct atom feeds

my strategy is to generate the blog from the atom feed so this is a good thing

the reason why so many girls break up in the summer is because the heat causes them to expand at different rates

“Have you thought about me breathing heavily? Any interest in going there with me?”

apparently Apple Music is classifying Shit Present as “emo” now lol

did apple fix all of the annoying bugs in iOS numbers or did they just add AI features i cannot and do not want to use

probably gonna have to cut the charli; sorry brat lovers

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i’ve basically filled my usual playlist of top songs from the year but i keep discovering good albums

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when they’re like “okay that’s all the lyrics done; time for a bitchin piano solo”

here to report that 2024 was also a banger year for music

if your posts are indistinguishable from that of a CIA plant trying to sow controversy and foil collective action, maybe consider making different posts

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if you go out to do something dangerous and legally fraught, i sure hope you don’t implicate comrades, and i sure hope they still turn out for you when the time is right

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luigi didn’t lone wolf it because he thought he was a hero, he lone wolfed it specifically so he wouldn’t implicate comrades. there’s a difference

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“C·E·O murder isn’t accessible” no fucking shit holmes; that’s why we build alliances

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solidarity doesn’t mean everybody does the same thing

I don’t want your touch very much, very often, but when I do, it gets bad.

I don’t jump for love very much, very often; I was good at staying sad.

But when we kissed in the kitchen like we’d meet again, and I thought you were perfect, my god had a plan. Sometimes I don’t deserve it—I couldn’t have been a worthy opponent—but you could’ve said that.

Well, listen. I’m fumbling. I wanted to fight, but I have got this feeling, hollow and sinking, like you’re gonna win.

Is that what you’re thinking?

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.