critique of critiques of princess narratives
the radical potential of the princess narrative is to say to white girls “look, you might be born into privilege, your life might be great, but you can still make ethical choices, and you can still side with the downtrodden and the labourers and the oppressed, but it might mean disobeying your parents and going on an Adventure”
this is a much more concrete, useful, and resonant message than telling white girls “actually your privilege does not exist and/or you can/should just ignore it”, which is what “children’s movies should not advocate monarchy” takes always inevitably boil down to
apparently the documentary about the Amazon Labour Union is available for streaming this (Black Friday) weekend ONLY
we already mostly weren’t buying Hersheys because you know their chocolate is sourced from slave labour however idk where else you can get chocolate in the rough shape of a Kiss
sounds like Hersheys has been union-busting pretty bad at their Stuarts Draft, VA plant too
ive come up with a new theory of gender. this is why judith butler is wrong. gender is NOT a performance, because to call it a performance is to presume that there is a Self, something which PRECEDES gender and then PERFORMS gender. in fact, there is no such Self: we are, each of us, constituted THROUGH and BY gendered relations—relations which precede US; relations which set the stage and context into which we emerge AS selves, as individuals. so in fact it is not that gender is a performance, but that WE, our lives and experiences as individuated beings, are ourselves being performed in no small part BY and THROUGH a system of gender without which we could not begin to conceive of ourselves, much less the world.
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