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« A thousand things make it impossible to mistake the verdict on queer lives and on women’s lives, as on the lives of those who are poor or not white. The hecatombs of queer youth; a decade squandered in a killing inaction on AIDS; the rapacious seizure from women of our defense against forced childbirth; tens of millions of adults and children excluded from the health care economy; treatment of homeless people as unsanitary refuse to be dealt with by periodic “sweeps”; refusal of condoms in prisons, persecution of needle‐exchange programs; denial and trivialization of histories of racism; merely the pivot of a disavowing pronoun in a newspaper editorial: Such things as these are facts, but at the same time they are piercing or murmring voices in the heads of those of us struggling to marshal “our” resources against illness, dread, and devaluation. They speak to us. They have an amazing clarity. »

eve kosofsky sedgwick, 1993

does T·E·I seriously not have a single word of current guidance on how to classify maiden names

maybe instead of trying to write difficult complicated fanfiction i should just resurrect all of these ideas i had for Nabla

neat, so if i scan a page of text and then print it out, surely that is an image too, right?

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people make a big deal about Nintendo games being developed by third party studios as though Game Freak, Intelligent Systems, HAL Laboratory, RARE, Retro Studios, etc aren’t responsible for most of their hits

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this is about the new Zelda but it’s more about Metroid

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“nintendo didn’t actually develop X!!” yeah, thank God

Working Families Party uses the terms “working class” for proletariat and “middle class” for bourgeoisie for obvious not wanting to look like communists reasons

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Working Families Party distinguishes middle class from working class and upper class, implying they roughly equate it with the bourgeoisie, but the vernacular i always heard growing up was that lower/middle/upper class referred to financial precarity/security and not labour dynamics

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is the middle class part of the working class

it looks like i made the timeline for this poll shorter than usual, but there’s no way to fix that now! vote while you have the chance!

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re: united states current events 

real twitter‐level takes happening on the federated timeline today; buddy i know you like porn and trans women and it’s all ok but you really don’t need to put yourself in the same room as this guy, you are nothing alike and people can clown on him as they will

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united states current events 

being attracted to trans women because “It takes the man out while leaving the man in!” is not morally neutral

idk man, if you didn’t want to read a large document of technical prose, maybe you shouldn’t have specialized in a field which consists entirely of reading and writing one form or another of technical prose

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“nobody ever reads large documents”

me, with my 20 tabs of various specifications that i constantly reference:

what gimmicks do you think nintendo would put in a porn game

ok, so. a photocopy of a page of text. surely that is an image?

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.