i’m talking condensed, weighty serifs, maybe leaning didone, as a treat; ample margins with rules; crosses as a visual ornament; faded pastels reminiscent of highlighter or cardstock; decorative bolds and italics; grid-based and columnar design
feel perverse satisfaction in the fact that the actually kind of cool 2020s aesthetic will never get broadly implemented, because every industry has fired their designers and is lead by people with no design sense, and new startups (which would normally be leading the way) are all struggling under the massive weight of existing monopolies, and in all rare cases where the above two points do not hold, ai has taken root and regurgitated something which probably looked cool in about 2008 or so
legitimately tho kendrick’s problems with drake are pretty blatant and obvious, even ignoring the personal stuff, just re: drake’s impact and profiting and exploitation of the culture without really giving anything meaningful back
meanwhile drake is just like “yeah glad ur making music again, loser”??? buddy, what is your actual problem
surprised @aescling hasn’t leaned fully into being all cute and pastel for her website at this point
unbeknownst to evolutionary psychologists, early humans were probably not eugenicists singlemindedly concerned with improving the overall fitness of their species, and kids are a lot of work
“you mean not EVERY human just wants to seek out and reproduce with the most advantageous mate?!” naw dog, we grew like, brains and shit, and figured out cause and effect on that one pretty quick
we know from Drama that Times writers and editors are given very strict guidelines on how they can cover this stuff, but it’s not like journalists don’t know what’s going on or how to get a message across
reading New York Times coverage right now is wild because they’re forced to interview and use the language of some combination of {out⹀of⹀touch old white man} and {staunch Zionist who thinks any criticism of a certain country in the Middle East is an attack on Jews everywhere} and then you get to the part of the article where they state Facts and they’re like “yeah conservative Jewish student organizations have been actively trying to invade encampments and picking fights with these protesters for weeks despite them mostly just barricading themselves in one place, and that’s where all the violence is coming from”
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.