until that gets fixed we can probably realistically never have things like webrings again
if you sharing a link to someone’s personal hobby project has a chance of them going not “hey cool man thanks for the support” but “oh my god i did not ask for this spotlight”, you should just log off and never log back on
i don’t blame google or social media i blame walking talking context collapse machines making it impossible to say anything ever because someone Famous might see it and share it with a million random people
i think it is unethical to hijack the part of brains designed to identify tasty berries amidst foliage in order to make website buttons look good to click at
the way things are going tho we’re more likely to see h·t·m·l adopted as a lingua franca for documents and tools than we are to see an x·m·l parser with wide·spread adoption which is actually good, to say nothing of making reasonable metadata queries of the parsed result
my point is that i’m not actually that worried about A·I gobbling up my posts because i’m pretty sure anyone who tries to use it will consider my influence on the model to be the noise, not the signal
they need massive amounts of data in order to normalize and sanitize out precisely all the weird shit that gets produced by freaks like me
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.