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this is documented almost nowhere so if you don’t spend your days looking thru highly technical character set algorithms and documentation you would be forgiven for not knowing

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reminder that Unicode reserves certain private use tags for their own purposes, so you should avoid using those ones yourself if possible

i stole partner’s shirt so they stole my shirt (they’re the same shirt)

gonna stop calling it “Easter” and start calling it “Christian New Year”

i detected Doubt that the Diamond and Pearl anime was any good but it’s picking up

going on twitter feels like checking an alt on a really shitty huge masto instance now

anyway if you know of any instances i could create an account on but haven’t already created an account on, lmk

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technically this is my fediverse alt and i need to create a fediverse main

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There are a number
of special events that are
held throughout the year

yea, i wouldn’t want to be associated with them either

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interesting how all the cool, interesting, kind, and inspiring trans women on this website have gotten progressively quieter and harder to find over the past decade, while the loud obnoxious ones with bad takes are still regularly on the timeline being loud and obnoxious with their bad takes

u·s politics 

« Until recently, Texas state buses had transported migrants from Brownsville to Democrat-run cities such as Los Angeles and Chicago. The buses stopped at the beginning of February. Victor Maldonado, the director of the Ozanam Center shelter, said some migrants have been disappointed when he tells them that Texas is no longer busing migrants out of the city. “They’re mad when they find out,” Maldonado said. “They had heard that Texas has free buses.” »

you don’t need to cling to the things which cause you pain


i think T·P·C might finally be coming around to the fact that nobody cares about new gimmicks, we just want mega mawile back

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.