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This is an essay
which I am still in the
progress of making

Basically, if they've
been asked to stop, and they don't,
it warrants a block

pokémon presents 2.27.2024 

i don’t care about Pokémon Sleep but i do care deeply about pokémon sleeping

happy pokémon day to all the pokémon who celebrate

what kind of lesbian are you? 

how do you do the things you do? share with me your secrets deep inside. what kind of lesbian are you? are you loyal thru & thru? do you have a heart that’s true?

pokémon go 

is more fun with your girlfriend :)


i jest; it probably gives arven a better arc to have his mom die if we didn’t already watch his dog die first

i’m just pupset because he was very clearly being set up as a houndstone trainer

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pokémon anime does what pokémon video games scared to do

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“what if we gave this kid a cleffa… and then… fucking murdered it”

there are way too many Magic players in this hashtag

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there are as many fascinations as there are people and pokémon

old meta 

i don¦t care about the mastodon part but the analysis of labour is interesting

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old meta 

reading Mourning Mastodon like “i guess i was already a communist in 2017”

thinking of creating an L·L·M 

Lady’s Lightweight Markup


did you know that :⁠—

• CompatibilityMapping
• DecompositionMapping
• UnicodeScalarMapping

—⁠: are all strings of exactly the same length? rly makes u think


my R·D·F vocabulary documentation system is built heavily on Jekyll and this disgusts me but i extremely cannot be bothered to actually do the work to make it something else

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.