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in honour of president benjamin franklin today i’m working on character sets

re: liberals 

maybe exploitation of people’s emotions for a quick buck was never a winning strategy

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« “Some folks are burned out on outrage,” said Rebecca Lee Funk, the Washington-based founder of the Outrage, a progressive activism group and a purveyor of resistance-era apparel. » sucks to be you i·g lol

when @aescling sends me gifts in pokémon go i like to imagine it is a cute cat bringing me it in its mouth


lol remember when i wrote things

science fiction 

let us just create a new kind of hydrocarbon and make it readily available in the soil and water across the planet; there is no way that life will respond to this

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science fiction 

future where they’re amazed we made things which lasted decades out of plastic because there are enough microorganisms which consume it now that pretty much any plastic device falls apart within a few years


or as ra scion puts it, “shoulda spent another year on the bottom tier instead of trying to dodge what it was i thought got em here”

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learned people don't understand the work better than the people doing the work, and you should aspire to be a person doing the work, not a learned person directing them


love that scarlet and violet made it canonical that you can travel with seven pokémon so long as you only battle with six


man remember when the upper left of the west was the best air for your chest 😭

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this album has zero duds. geo and sabzi put out 18 rap tracks and i can’t take issue with any of them. i don’t even care that Washington is actually alphabetically the fourth-to-last state

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“to survivors of economic and natural disasters, living for the ‘right now’ and not the ‘hereafter’: a handful of tracks, each a snapshot to capture the trials and tribulations (and smiles, since you’ve been waiting awhile)”

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damn maybe i should listen to Bayani (ReDux) again today


my body has decided that gremlin hibernation season is Over and i am Not Here For It

very old interpersonal meta 

now i am the doggo who works for a library; i find this mildly unsettling

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very old interpersonal meta 

having this particular avatar keeps reminding me of the early days of the fediverse when i was in frequent communication with a doggo who was a librarian


what’s your story? slowpoke

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.