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kind of girl who moves over to lie in her girlfriend’s spot of warmth after the latter gets up even though she has a perfectly good spot of warmth under herself already

apple platform app development 

i keep wanting there to be simple apps which don’t exist and i probably could make

but on the other hand i extremely do not want to learn how to do that


finally extracted this out into its own repo


remember when i was a meowth named kitty mogs that was a good bit

It is foretold that
a human savior will wield
the Heavenly Sword


.SECONDEXPANSION is generally extremely good and useful but good luck escaping anything ever

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me, sowing:

me, reaping:
make: metadata/file: No such file or directory
make: *** [build/catalogs/file.catalog] Error 1


i’m the kind of girl who fixes and repushes git tags

re: a hamburger 

@Satsuma you missed this amazing moment which happened before you started watching

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sed 's/`/`%60`/g;s/[\]/`%5C`/g;s/%[0-9A-F]\{2\}/`&`/g' | tr '`' '\n' | sed '/^%[0-9A-F]\{2\}$/!s/%/`%25`/' | tr '`' '\n' | awk '$0!~/%/{printf("%s",$0)}/%/{sub("%","0x");printf("\\%04o",$0)}' | xargs -0 printf '%b'

a·o·3 miswrangling 

it’s 2024 and zelda fics are still showing up in my pokémon feed because they’re tagged with “Sonia (mentioned)”

#SnowflakeChallenge update: Snowflake Challenge 2024№5 – “Search in your current space, whether brick-and-mortar or digital. Post a picture (a link to a picture will be fine!) or description of something that is or represents:” 

§01. “Something your favorite character would like”

Do I have a favourite character? I don’t really participate in character‐driven fandom.

(Actually, most of my favourite characters are probably fandom O·C’s.)

The answer is probably tea, regardless.

§02. “Something that makes you laugh”


§03. “A fandom place you would like to visit”

There are very few fictional settings I would prefer over our real‐life one, but the setting of ‘Questionable Content’ probably ranks up there.

§04. “A fandom creator (pro or not) you'd like to meet”

I first learned about a number of comix artists in like 2014–2016 because they would post fanart on twitter or tumblr. Now I have their art on my walls or comix on my shelves! They all seem like cool people and I’d be happy to meet any of them in person.

§05. “Something you find comforting”

We have lots of quilts that my mom made :) .

§06. “Something from a favorite TV series or movie from your childhood”

I have so much pokémon‐branded stuff, altho if anything I am ⁜more⁜ of a fan now than I was as a kid.

§07. “A piece of clothing you love”

Shirts that I stole (were given) from my girlfriend.

§08. “A book or song with a color in the title”

<>="“Azure Blue” by Janice Kwan."

§09. “Something only someone in your fandom would understand”

<>="I’ll just leave this here."

Permalink: <>


i don’t know what tech c·e·o’s are thinking. i don’t care either. why are u telling me

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type of person who claims to know what tech c·e·o’s are thinking but then claims not to have tech c·e·o brain


Follow links below to find out about emoji


« In the last year and a half, we’ve been focused on making a pretty dramatic shift at Mozilla — to make it about not just more than the browser but also more than our kind of activist personality and build out a kind of portfolio » lmao they really said that huh


if you have written a parser for yaml 1.2 please reply and tell me if it is easier or harder than x·m·l

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.