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“how hard could it be to write a yaml parser? pretty hard right?”

#SnowflakeChallenge update: Snowflake Challenge 2024№4 – “IceBreaker Challenge! Tell us about yourself.” 

I’m Lady; in fannish spaces I go by a couple of names, predominantly :⁠—

• J’Li, jellyfish_link: Most of my older fannish writing is under this name. It’s technically a pun on Marrus orthocanna, a species of pelagic siphonophore, which is to say a “jellyfish” made up of linked organisms. But it’s also a reference to Metriods and The Legend of Zelda.

• Autumn Leaf, Hojarasca, 红叶 Hongye: I use these aliases when I’m writing Pokémon fanfiction, and sometimes in other fannish spaces as well. They all ultimately derive from the default name for a girl player character in Pokémon FireRed Version (“Leaf”).

As the above description implies, I spend a lot of time in Nintendo fandoms. My first attempt at writing fanfic was in middle school with ‘The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess’ (dating myself here), and I’ve generally thought way too much about Zelda as a franchise. Lately however I haven’t done much which is fannish in an obvious and direct sense, because I’ve been spending all of my time working on technical/infrastructural things re: hosting fannish materials on the internet. I’m a strong believer in fannish decentralization and don’t like the impact that A·O·3 and social media have had on fandom. Professionally, I work in library technology, and I think there are a lot of tools and lessons from that space which fandom could adopt if people were willing to take the problems of digital fannish curation seriously.

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funny relationship story 

before we moved in together my partner and i had a conversation where we basically both said “i don’t know how you manage to do so much all the time” and then basically both responded “what do you mean i am like, barely functional” and the thing is we were basically both right

pokémon concierge 

is cute & good

#SnowflakeChallenge update: Snowflake Challenge 2024№3 – “Create a wish list of fandom things to receive.” 

• Playlists of good songs from the 2000s. This isn’t obviously fannish at face value, but it would really help me in making fannish playlists keyed to that era to know about more artists beyond just the radio hits.

• Highly‐technicial fanworks. I want fanworks (with fictional authorship!) that read like an R·F·C from the Internet Engineering Task Force establishing the technical underpinnings of a new networked technology, or like an ethnography from a religious studies professor attempting to unwind how colonialism has impacted traditional practices and rituals, or like the doctoral thesis of a linguist attempting to capture a critically‐endangered language before it forever disappears. Do these exist? If you know of any, send me some!

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weird fandom take, ready player one et cetera 

r·p is like the lowest tech thing imaginable you can just do it you don’t need to buy somebody else’s vision in v·r

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weird fandom take, ready player one et cetera 

i’m not upset that nerds are wanting to roleplay Ready Player One, i’m upset that they don’t realize they can do that for free with an account on proboards dot com

re: Status update: New build system for 

reminder that you can in fact clone any repository on my gitweb and poke around with it on your own computer

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Status update: New build system for 

I’ve just switched over to using <>="⛩️📰 书社" to build my main site, which formerly was handcoded. At present, this hasn’t offered me much aside from the chance to fix a few bugs, altho it has made including images as data u·r·i’s a bit easier. However, i’m planning on adding some more dataful areas to the site which would have been very cumbersome to manage manually. More on those once i finish developing them.

The process of setting it up was easy; it is designed to work well with git submodules and be easily callable from within another make·file. Check the `build´ target of <>="the `GNUmakefile´ for the site" to see what little it entails.

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roman numerals? 

more like “grown men rue my calls”

my thoughts re: calendar poll 

i think the 6-day week is fucked but included it for good measure; i’ve historically leaned 10-day but i’m starting to feel like 8-day might be better

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calendar poll 

which is better?

1) a 10-day week which alternates 3 days of labour and 2 days of rest

2) a 10-day week with 6 straight days of labour and a 4-day weekend

3) an 8-day week with 5 days of labour and a 3-day weekend

4) a 6-day week with 4 days of labour and a 2-day weekend

reply) some other week configuration which evenly divides 40 or 30

goals for january 

i *really* need to make my calendar

#SnowflakeChallenge update: Snowflake Challenge 2024№2 – “Set yourself some goals for the coming year.” 

My goals for 2024 are split between the creative and the curatorial.

On the curatorial side, I want to build a better online home for my fannish presence—including a place (or two) to host my fanworks, but also including homes for other activities like webshrines, meta, ⁊·c. I’ve been steadily trying to build the technological infrastructure for this, with the most recent attempt being <>="⛩️📰 书社".

It’s very easy to get bogged down with technological aspirations (federated tagging, update tracking, linked data), but there is also low‐hanging fruit, and I have been pretty good about making slow, steady progress in this area. It is difficult going alone! I wish I knew more technically‐minded fans with similar inclinations, but in fact it feels like most of both the tech world and the fannish world are trying to solve very different problems from me right now.

On the creative side, I really would like to write more. I hardly wrote at all in the past year, partially because I moved across the country to live with my girlfriend and partially because I spent so much time on the above technical work. I have so many wips that I haven’t been able to devote the time to finish and I feel like my writing craft has somewhat fallen by the wayside of late.

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re: prrgrrmmng 

semi-relatedly, double-escaped entities is the single most cursed aspect of X·M·L

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#SnowflakeChallenge update: Snowflake Challenge 2024№1 – “Update your fandom information.” 

The first Snowflake Challenge™ is always to update one’s fannish profile, which is awkward in my case as I don’t really have a fannish profile to speak of. My profiles on A·O·3 have gotten progressively more light over time as I have increasingly tried to divest myself from that platform, and I don’t spend much time frequenting fannish social media spaces or forums. This feed might well be the only significant fannish online space I am currently actively putting energy into.

With that in mind, here ⁜is⁜ my current profile: My name is Lady, I have a bunch of other monikers I go by inside and out of fandom (too many to list here), my fannishness derives primarily from the fact that thinking about and creating stories is one of the ways that I process and engage with media, my first fandom was ‘The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess’, and I mostly spend time in that and other Nintendo (or Nintendo‐adjacent) fandoms, despite not being particularly satisfied with any of the scenes there.

I listen to a lot of music and making playlists is a part of my process when it comes to thinking about and writing fanfiction. I love listening to other people’s playlists as well!

<> has a more generic profile, including contact information, which is still current. The rest of my fannish online presence is still a work‐in‐progress for now.

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Status update: New topic at SnowflakeChallenge 

The “Snowflake Challenge” is a celebratory Ⅎandom* event, hosted primarily on Dreamwidth (but also on other platforms). It’s about celebrating the uniqueness and diversity of fandom and its participants. The name is explained as follows :⁠—

« The band My Chemical Romance put in a guest appearance on the kids show Yo Gabba Gabba that December, singing about every snowflake being different, and that was what I wanted us to celebrate—how each one of us was unique and beautiful, broken and imperfect and intelligent and talented and lovable. »

(You can read <snowflake-challenge.dreamwidth>="their post introducing the 2024 challenge" for more on the challenge and what it is for.)

I normally keep a pretty low fandom profile so I thought it might be fun to spend a little time this January exploring it (in public) a bit more. I’ve never done one of these before, so we’ll see if I love or hate it by the end.

As with everything I post to, all of these posts will be crossposted to Mastodon, and you can also follow along via <>="the SnowflakeChallenge Atom feed" once I make the first post.

* “Capital‐F Fandom” has already been taken to mean something somewhat different, so I’m using “Turned Capital‐F Fandom” for this iteration.

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.