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royalty headlines(??) 

« Like King Charles III of Britain, Prince Frederik, who will soon ascend to his country’s throne, is part of a younger generation of royals »

King Charles III:

re: The Annual Music Recap Playlist (15 songs from 2023) 

honestly wild how many of those tracks have bandcamp links

music is getting good again

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The Annual Music Recap Playlist (15 songs from 2023) 

01. “End of Everything” by Mega Bog

02. “To Me It Was” by Samia

03. “Worst Case Kid” by Tommy Lefroy

04. “Close” by Dizzy

05. “More to Lose” by Shit Present

06. “Radial Chatter” by Janice Kwan

07. “Fading” by Swimming Paul

08. “Purple Tiger” by Milky Chance

09. “NAKE” by SAI

10. “The Heat” by Paper Bee

11. “Jo Jah Jo” by Afriquoi

12. “You Know How” by Vagabon

13. “Hesitate” by Hazlett ft. OSKA

14. “Into Your Room” by Holly Humberstone

15. “Bell Ringer” by TRUE||FORM


mozilla’s current c·e·o is bad, but friends, mozilla’s old c·e·o was also bad

web standardization history 

mozilla didn’t just directly profit from a situation where only large browsers manufacturers had any say in the direction of the web, they actively created it

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web standardization history 

remember when W3C leaned too hard into user-centric design and modularity and new X·M·L technologies

and Brendan Eich, noted homophobe, grew concerned with this, not because of its impact to ordinary people, but because he thought that monolithic web browsers manufacturers would wind up losing out to newer, bespoke applications

and so he got Mozilla and Opera together to write a letter saying that the future of computing on the web should take place entirely within the web browser using nothing but HTML, CSS, and a whole lot of Javascript (a language he created)

and they forked HTML from W3C, setting up WHATWG, an organization controlled entirely by web browser implementors, to decide the future of the web going forward

and then Mozilla used the fact that they were “the only nonprofit with a seat at the table of standardization organizations” in their fundraising campaigns for the next decade

re: text editor discourse 

nobody writes programs which solve real people problems anymore

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text editor discourse 

has anyone created a better rich text editor for macOS than Bean, a program i first learned about on Open Source Mac Dot Org in 2010

or has innovation well and truly stalled since the early 2000’s

re: wake up babe new static site generator dropped 

(it may not work on Linux; i might have used an incompatible option for `touch´)

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re: wake up babe new static site generator dropped 

this is very much just a minimum viable implementation right now; there’s more to add but this WORKS

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thoughts on mozilla 

• they know they have an image problem and are entirely disinterested in fixing it

• they are far from the only open-source/tech advocacy nonprofit on the planet and others do it better

• dunno why people keep defending them considering the above

open web docs 

is there a frontend for these yet which isn’t mozilla-branded


did i just discover a bug in libxml2 or

pokémon music 

played “My Best Friends” for @Satsuma and they were NOT having it

what kind of lesbian are you? 

Take your Electric type like Jolteon,
Against Leafeon’s Grass the battle’s no fun.
Reach higher with Fire—go Flareon!
Think twice about Ice to be number one.
Water’s in order if you want to be slick.
Espeon’s the best bet when you get Psychic.
Umbreon’s the key to your Dark mood,
But Sylveon won’t leave you with time to brood!

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what kind of lesbian are you? 

how do you do the things you do? share with me your secrets deep inside. what kind of lesbian are you? are you loyal thru & thru? do you have a heart that’s true?


probably won’t finish my new static site generator makefile by the end of today but hopefully will by the end of new years

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.