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design hot take 

masonry layouts are bad


this is almost certainly a profoundly difficult-to-optimize way of doing this but i love giving browser manufacturers impossible problems to solve

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const s = [,,,];
2 in s; // false

const d = dense(s);
2 in d; // true
d[2]; // undefined

s[2] = "value";
s[2]; // "value"
d[2]; // "value"

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very close to getting `dense()´ to work (as a proxy not a copying function) but alas it is time for bed


hoisted by invariants


eevee day has ended … but eevee night … has only begun !


looping back around to adopting Å into english; blame satsuma

some words from my recent blogpost that i think the fediverse might relate to 

« I want to be a part of scenes which give a shit about the silly things I care about (romantic c·dramas, anime, Pokémon, Nintendo). I want that much more than I care about belonging to any “fandom” or “fanspace” in the vernacular sense. And I think that having those scenes can form the bedrock of culture, not only fan culture but also culture in a general sense, a culture which produces interesting content for an audience of like‐minded people, some of which may reference some person or corporation’s Intellectual Property but a lot of which probably won’t. Plenty of “original content” is produced by S·F·F fandom, furry fandom, ⁊·c, and the willingness of people to create unique works within those spaces as opposed to without I think is a testament to the fact that they have some·thing which other spaces lack.

I’ve made my own small efforts at building these sorts of scenes, with the Mastodon instance I moderate and the Discord server I run and the wiki I set up for my friends. I don’t think spaces like these are enough (I’d love a forum), but I think they are a start. We need bigger ones, tho᷎, ones that are big enough to host events or challenges or other sorts of community happenings, and big enough to where they can adequately serve the function of introducing one to new people and ideas. I’m very interested in the inflection point from “friends and family” to “community” and think that transition is the only kind of scale which matters. »

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i like most of the contentious parts of javascript but even i don’t really get the point of [Symbol.species]

n·y·times; open·a·i 

« Until Friday, Mr. Altman was the chief executive of OpenAI, the dominant artificial intelligence company. He promised A.I. would usher in humanity’s first golden age even though it came from the same kind of inventors who thought there was a market for internet-connected toasters. » wow i was not expecting this shade


re·implementing all the array methods to work on sparse arrays, because fuck the haters

(lack of) breakfast 

ughhh why don't we have scones

re: hey fanfic authors who are bad at writing dialogue 

i realize the popular esthetic in pop lit is to write a chatfic with a little bit of exposition as trimmings but if you go and read anything at least a little bit old you will find plenty of examples of people not doing this and being quite successful with it

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hey fanfic authors who are bad at writing dialogue 

you can just not write dialogue

n·y·times screenshot 

any uhhhh pet owners on this website

relationship status 

laptop lesbians

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.