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trying to convince partner that as an estadounidense it’s good to mispronounce french words but you have to say spanish words correctly


leaning hard into PNW d·i·y lesbian vibes by wearing flannel and listening to as-far-as-we-know-straight artists from england, scotland, ireland, and alberta


« It had all happened so fast that neither of them realized that they had both managed to remove their undergarments. » ah yes, classic


« scores of rooms (six to be precise) » six scores or six rooms


so thankful that i get to live with my partner and see them every day 🥰


i love fall

@Satsuma looks really cute in autumn clothing

u.s. & saudi arabia relations 

« A majority of Senate Democrats have voted on multiple occasions to restrict Washington’s arms sales and other security cooperation with Riyadh, objecting to the Saudi bombing campaign in Yemen, which has been aided by American weapons, and the killing of the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018, a murder that American spy agencies have judged was ordered by the prince. (He has denied direct involvement.)

The Saudi-led war in Yemen, which Prince Mohammed began in 2015, resulted in mass killings of civilians and what the United Nations called the worst man-made humanitarian crisis in the world.

Democratic lawmakers are also pressing the Biden administration on reports that Saudi border forces recently killed hundreds or thousands of African migrants who were trying to cross into the kingdom from Yemen. Human Rights Watch released a report in August on the atrocities. U.S. officials cannot say for sure that no American training or weapons were provided to the forces who carried out the killings. Saudi Arabia has said the reports are “unfounded.” »

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u.s. & saudi arabia relations 

« Mr. Biden’s push for a Saudi-Israel deal is a gambit that, not long ago, would have been hard to imagine. He pledged during his 2020 presidential campaign to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah.” And brokering a deal could be a political boon for Mr. Netanyahu’s extreme right-wing government, which American officials have sharply criticized for its efforts to weaken Israel’s judiciary and its encouragement of settlement building in Palestinian areas.

But U.S. officials have said a diplomatic pact would be an important symbolic defusing of Arab-Israeli tensions and could also have geopolitical significance for the United States. Bringing Saudi Arabia closer to the United States, they argue, could pull the kingdom farther from China’s orbit and blunt Beijing’s efforts to expand its influence in the Middle East. »

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u.s. & saudi arabia relations 

« The United States is discussing terms of a mutual defense treaty with Saudi Arabia that would resemble military pacts with Japan and South Korea, according to American officials. » the fuck

covid vaccination status 

got the shot; thanks Biden

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covid vaccination status 

other people were definitely getting it though; they have it

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covid vaccination status 

my insurance evidently hasn’t added the vaccine yet and walgreens didn’t know about the Bridge Access Program


the thing about Ash Ketchum is you only get that surname if some ancestor of yours a long time ago was also really committed to catching ’em all

re: A·O·3 tagging 

(notwithstanding the fact that early RFCs are actually attributed to Network Working Group)

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re: A·O·3 tagging 

but RFCs as a whole probably have a fandom tag of “RFC Series - Internet Engineering Task Force”

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re: A·O·3 tagging 

my current best guess is “RFC 69: Distribution List Change for M.I.T.”

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A·O·3 tagging 

trying to figure out the correct Freeform tag for a specific R·F·C

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.